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32nd Colloquium of Linguistics
All Fields of Linguistics
September 17-19, 1997
University of Kassel
Call for Papers
We cordially invite you to participate in the 32nd Colloquium of Linguistics, which will take place at the University of Kassel from Wednesday, September 17 to Friday, September 19, 1997.
Continuing the tradition of the colloquium there will be no restrictions regarding the choice of topics. The papers should be given in German, English, or French, and should not exceed 20 minutes. Combined with an ensuing discussion of about 10 minutes one lecture unit as a whole will cover 30 minutes. If the number of papers offered is beyond the scope of the colloquium, the programme committee reserves the right to choose the best papers on the basis of the abstracts.
Conference Fee
The conference fee is DM 85,00. The sum includes
the registration fee and will, among other things, cover pre-conference
materials, tea and coffee, and the reception on Wednesday evening. It will
not, however, cover lunches and accommodation.
Social Programme
We are very happy to be in the position to offer you as a
supporting act a guided tour of the international art exhibition
documenta X, which is the most famous exhibition of contemporary
art. On Thursday, September 18, 1997 there will be the
opportunity to visit documenta X in a guided group (German or
English). The admission charge for this will be DM 30,00 per
Lecture in the plenum
A lecture in the plenum will be given by Prof. Dr. Peter Rolf
Lutzeier, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK.
Please send the application form to the conference organiser.
Name _________________________________________________________
First name(s)/ Vorname(n)_________________________________________
Affiliation/ Institution______________________________________________
Address/ Adresse________________________________________________
Code/ PLZ______________________________________________________
Country/ Land___________________________________________________
Fon/ Telefon____________________________________________________
Date/ Datum____________________________________________________
I will deliver a paper in (20 mins.) [ ] German/Deutsch
Ich werde einen Vortrag halten in [ ] English /Englisch
(20 Min.) [ ] French /Franzoesisch
Topic / Thema___________________________________________________
My presentation will be in the field of:
Mein Vortrag soll gehalten werden im Themenbereich
[ ] Theory of Linguistics [ ] Phonology / Phonetics
[ ] Comparative Linguistics [ ] Syntax
[ ] Diachronic Linguistics [ ] Semantics
[ ] Psycholinguistics [ ] Morphology
[ ] Sociolinguistics [ ] Pragmatics
[ ] Lexicography / Lexicology [ ] Semiotics
[ ] DiscoursAnalyses/TextLing [ ] Computer Linguistics
[ ] other field / weiterer Themenbereich ___________________
An abstract (see style sheet in circular No 1)
Ein Abstract (siehe Vorlage im 1. Rundschreiben)
[ ] is enclosed / liegt bei
[ ] will be send to you by/wird uebersandt bis
No of Pers./ Date/ DM Total DM
Anz. Pers Datum
Conferenz Fee/ 85,00 DM
Konferenzgebuehr _________
Social Programme / Rahmenprogramm:
Welcome Reception / Begruessungsempfang incl.
documenta-guided tour
(incl. Entrance Fee)/
Fuehrung durch die
______ Documenta (incl. Eintritt 30,00DM _________
German/ Deutsch [ ]
English/ Englisch [ ]
Total: DM
The amount has been / Der Gesamtbetrag ist
[ ] transferred to Account /ueberwiesen auf Konto
32. Linguistisches Kolloquium
Dr. Ingo Warnke
Konto 3 715 117
Kasseler Sparkasse
BLZ 520 501 51
[ ] enclosed by eurocheque in DM made payable to
32. Linguistisches Kolloquium
(Please insert card-number).
beigefuegt in Euroscheck zahlbar an 32. Linguistisches
Kolloquium (Bitte Kartennummer eintragen).
Please send the form to:
32. Linguistisches Kolloquium
Prof. Dr. Hans Otto Spillmann
Dr. Ingo Warnke
Universitaet Kassel
Fachbereich 09 Germanistik
D - 34109 Kassel
Phone +49 561 804 3326
Fax +49 561 804 2812
Posted form LINGUIST List: Vol-8-544 by JMG