To: Multiple recipients of list HISTLINGCONFERENCE ANNOUNCEMENT CALL FOR PAPERS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GLAC-3 GERMANIC LINGUISTICS ANNUAL CONFERENCE THE CONFERENCE OF THE SOCIETY FOR GERMANIC PHILOLOGY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES APRIL 25 - 27, 1997 Abstracts are hereby invited for thirty minute papers in all areas of linguistics dealing with any Germanic language, past and present. All abstracts will be evaluated anonymously, by a panel of reviewers. This submission procedure may be supplemented, but not replaced, by electronic mail submission. Please send: - Five hard copies of a one-page abstract (font size no smaller than 10), double-spaced; on 8.5x11 inch paper. On the abstract include the title of the proposed paper but *do not include* the author's name. - A three-by-five inch index card with the following information: the title of the paper; author(s) name(s), title(s), academic affiliation(s), and preferred form of address; contact address(es) - postal service and electronic mail, if available; telephone and fax numbers. SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 1 DECEMBER 1996 Organizers - C.M. Stevens (310) 206-4948 and R.S. Kirsner (310) 206-4111, Germanic Languages, UCLA Send materials to: GLAC3 Conference Committee Department of Germanic Languages 2326 Murphy Hall, UCLA Los Angeles, CA 90095-1539 E-mail: