Old-Latvian Corpus
Part No. 17
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Part: Form.Conf.  
Paragraph: Inc.   Link to aprdt Link to apreuss Link to vilentasLink to lysius
Page: 52  
Line: 8  Folget eine kurtze Forma zu beichten
Line: 9 
fűr die Einfeltigen auß dem Catechiſmo
Line: 10 
D. M. L.

Line: 11 
Ka thoͤs Wenteſʒiges vnde wenkärtiges
Line: 12 
buus maetczyt / kha the ſʒin ſʒouwes Greekes De=
Line: 13 
wam vnde ſʒouwam Baſnice Kungam *39
Line: 14 
adſydt vnde ſʒuudtczet.

Line: 15       Tha buus thoͤw vs tho Baſnicekunge
Line: 16       
Line: 17       
Czenyx mylais Kunx / Es luudtcze thoͤw / kha tu
Line: 18    
grib mannes Greekes klouſyt / Vnde man thoͤs Gree=
Line: 19    
kes pammeſt nho Dewe puſſes.

Line: 20  Ja / labprath / ſʒack ſchur.

Line: 21       
Es Nabbax Greetczenex adſʒiſthoͤs man prexkan
Line: 22    
Dewe wuſſes Greekes parradan / Szawiſke adſʒiſto
Line: 23    
es praxan thoͤw / Ka es Kalps yeb Kalpune etc. Eſme /
Line: 24    
Beth es kalpo / dews ſʒeelo nhe petitczige mannam

Line: 25  Kungam /

Page: 53  
- (53) -

Line: 1    
Kungam / Es nhe eſme to labprath darris / ko te man
Line: 2    
pawheleiſcke *40 girre / Es eſme tho apduſmoys /vnd ex=
Line: 3    
kan Ladeſchen eweddis / Es eſme kutris buͤwis / vnde
Line: 4    
Greeke litczis notickt. Es eſme arridtczan ar Wãrdims
Line: 5    
vnde Darbims nhe kounyx buͤwis / Vnde ar manne
Line: 6    
Tuwake yeb bedre Kalpe duſmoys / prettibe manne
Line: 7    
Gaſpaſſche kurneys vnde ladeys etc. Thas gir man
Line: 8    
wuͤſſenotal ſʒheele / Vnde es luudtcze Szeeleſtibe / es
Line: 9    
grib no Greekims atmiiteet / vnd wayrs nhedarrith.

Line: 10  Daranff *41 ſol der Beichtuater ſagen.

Line: 11       
Dews gir thoͤw ſʒeelyx vnde eſtippre touwe
Line: 12    
Titczibe / Amen.

Line: 13  Vnd ſpreche weiter.

Line: 14       
Titcz tu arridtczan / Ka manne Pammeſſchen /
Line: 15    
Dewe pammeſchen gir.   Adbilde.

Line: 16  Ja myleys Kunx.

Line: 17 
Darauff ſpreche Er.

Line: 18    
Thoͤw noteke ka tu titcze / vnd es aran pawheleſ=
Line: 19    
ſchen muſʒe Kunge JEſu Chriſti pammetto thoͤw tou=
Line: 20    
wes Greekes / exkan tho wãrde tho Thewe / vnde tho
Line: 21    
Dhele / vnd tho ſweete Garre / Amen.

Line: 22  Ey exkan Dewe Mere.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Old-Latvian Corpus.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 10.12.2008. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.