Old-Latvian Corpus
Part No. 15
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Part: Qu.Bapt.  
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Line: 11  Vom Sacrament der Heili=
Line: 12 
gen Tauffe.
Line: 13 
No to ſweete Chruſtibe / kha to patte wenam Nam=
Line: 14 
me Thewam ſʒouwe Szaime wenkãrtige
Line: 15 
preſchan thurreet / vnde mãtczyt buus.
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Pirman Kärtan.

Line: 17       Kas gir ta Chruſtibe?    Adbilde. Ta

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Ta Cruſtibe nhe gir wens wenteſyx Vdens / Beth
Line: 2    
ka gir tas Vdens / katters exkan Dewe Bouſʒle eth=
Line: 3    
wertz / vnde ar Dewe Wãrde ſʒaſſetz gir.

Line: 4    
      Katters gir tad taatcz Dewe Wärdtez.   Adbilde.

Line: 5       
Kur muſʒe Kunx Chriſtus treſʒe Matthei tan
Line: 6    
peedigan wetan. Eyet / exkan wuͤſſe Paſſoule /
Line: 7    
maetczeth wůſſes Loudes / Vnde Chruſtyet
Line: 8    
thoͤs / exkan to Wärde to Thewe / vnde tho
Line: 9    
Dhele / vnde to ſweete Garre.

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Line: 10  Otran Kartan.

Line: 11    
   Ko dode ta Chruſtibe yeb ko ta mums pallidtcze?    Adbide.

Line: 12       
Ta dode Pameſſchen thoͤs Greekes / apeſty *32 nho
Line: 13    
Nawe / vnde Whelne / vnde dode tho muſʒige Cziwo=
Line: 14    
ſchenne wuͤſſims / Kattre to Titcze / kha te Wãrde vnde
Line: 15    
tha Dewe peſʒatcyſchenne ſkan.

Line: 16    
   Kattre gir tade Wärde vnd Dewe peſʒatcyſchenne?   Adbild.

Line: 17       
Kur muſʒe Kunx Chriſtus treſʒe Marci tan peedi=
Line: 18    
gan wetan. Kas thur titcz / vnde chruſtytcz
Line: 19    
thope / thas thope Sweetcz / Beth kas nhe
Line: 20    
titcz / thas thope paſʒuſtcz.

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Line: 21  Treſſchan Kãrtan.

Line: 22       
Ka war Vdens / thade lele lethe darryth?   Adbilde.

Line: 23  Vdens

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Vdens tho teſcham nhe dar / Beth thas Dewe
Line: 2    
Wãrdtcz katters ar vnde py tho Vdenne gir vnde tha
Line: 3    
Titczibe / kattra thadam Dewe Wãrdam exkan Vden=
Line: 4    
ne petitcz / Aiſto / bes Dewe Wãrde / gir thas Vdens
Line: 5    
wenteſyx Vdens / vnde nhe wena Chruſtibe. Beth ar
Line: 6    
tho Dewe Wãrde gir tha wena Chruſtibe / thas gir /
Line: 7    
wens ſweetcz Vdens / thas cziwibes / vnde wena no=
Line: 8    
maſgaſchenne / tas Jounes Czimptibes exkan to ſwee=
Line: 9    
te Garre / Kha S. Paulus ſʒack vs Tito exkan to treſ=
Line: 10    
ſche wete.
Line: 11       
Czour tho Nomaſgaſchenne thäs ad=
Line: 12    
czimptibes vnde atyounaſchennes ta ſwee=
Line: 13    
te Garre / Kattre thas Baggatibe Jſleys
Line: 14    
gir / pär mums czour JEſum Chriſtum
Line: 15    
muſʒam Peſtitayam Ka mhes czour tho
Line: 16    
patte Szeeleſtibe tayſne / Vnde Bherne /
Line: 17    
eſʒem thas muſʒiges Czwoſchennes *33 / peetcz
Line: 18    
tho Czerribe tas gir teſcham teſe.

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Line: 19  Czettoͤrtan Kãrtan.

Line: 20    
   Ko czimo tad thada Vdenne Chruſtiſchenne?    Adbilde.

Line: 21       
Tha czimo kha thas whetz Adams exkan mums
Line: 22    
czour deniſke waydheſchenne vnde atmitteſchenne nho
Line: 23    
Greekims buus apſʒlutczenatam tapt / vnde muerth ar
Line: 24    
wuͤſſuns *34 Greekims / vnd lounims Egribbeſchennims.

Line: 25  Vnde

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Vnde atkal deniſke preſchan nackt / vnde atkal auxkam
Line: 2    
czheldt wenam younam czilwhekam katters exkan Ta=
Line: 3    
yſnibe vnd Skyſtibe prexan Dewe muſʒige cziwo.

Line: 4    
      Kur ſthawe tas taxtitcz?   Adbilde.

Line: 5    
Sweetcz Paulus vsthems *35 Roͤmere loudems tan
Line: 6    
Szeſtan wetan treſʒ ta. Mhes eſʒem ar Chriſto czour
Line: 7    
to Chruſtibe aprackte exkan tho Nawe / Lidtcz ka Chri=
Line: 8    
ſtus gir vſmodenatcz notims Muͤrronuns *36 / Czour tho
Line: 9    
Godibe tha Thewe / Tha buus mums arridtczâ exkan
Line: 10    
wene youne Cziwoſchen ſtaygath.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Old-Latvian Corpus.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 10.12.2008. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.