Old-Latvian Corpus
Part No. 13
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Part: Qu.Cr.  
Paragraph: Inc.   Link to aprdt Link to apreuss Link to vilentasLink to lysius
Page: 33(   )
Line: 18  Der Glaube.
Line: 19 
Ta Titczibe / kha tho wenam Namme
Line: 20 
thewam ſʒouwe Szaime wenkãrtige
Line: 21 
preſſchan thurreeth vnde
Line: 22 
buus maetczyt

Line: 23  E Tas

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Line: 1       Thas pirmais Lodczeklis nho thas Rad=
Line: 2    
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Line: 3       
Es titcz exkan Dewe to Thewe / wuͤſ=
Line: 4    
ſewalditaye / Radditaye / Debbes vnde
Line: 5    
thas Semmes.

Line: 6  Kas gir tas? Adbilde.

Line: 7       
Es titcz ka man Dews Raddis gir / ar wuͤſſims
Line: 8    
Radditims lethims / vnde man Meſʒe vnde Dwhe=
Line: 9    
ſel / Atczes / Auſʒes / vnde wuͤſſes Lodtczekles / Szap=
Line: 10    
praſſchenne / vnde wuͤſſes Prates doͤuwis gir / Vnde
Line: 11    
whel vſthur / turklath Dreebes vnde kurpes / Ehſchen
Line: 12    
vnde Sczeerſchen / Namme vnde Muyſche / Szewe

Line: 13  vnde

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Line: 1    
vnde Bhernes / Tyrumme / Lopes / vnde wuͤſſe Pad=
Line: 2    
dome ar wuͤſſade wayadtczibe / vnde uſthurrſchenne
Line: 3    
thãs Meſʒes vnde Cziwibes / Bagatige vnde deniſke
Line: 4    
abgada / prettibe wuͤſſe breſmibe paſſarge / vnde paer
Line: 5    
wuͤſſeloune paglaeb vnde ſʒarge / Vnde tho wuͤſſeno=
Line: 6    
tal / aran tyre Thewige / dewige lenibe / vnde Szee=
Line: 7    
leſtibe / bes wuͤſſe manne nopelnibe vnde czenibe. Par
Line: 8    
ſcho wuͤſſenotal eſme es tam parradan patteickt / vnde
Line: 9    
ſʒlawet / kalpot vnde packlouſit / Tas gir teſcham teſa.

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Line: 10  Tas Oteers Loczeklis nho thãs Peſti=
Line: 11 

Line: 12       
Vnde exkan JEſum Chriſtum wingâ
Line: 13    
wenigam Dhelam muſʒam Kungam kat=
Line: 14    
teers eyemptz gir no to Sweete Garre / pe=
Line: 15    
czimmis no thäs Jumprouwes Maria /
Line: 16    
Czetis appeſkan Pontio Pilato kruſtan
Line: 17    
ſʒyſtz / Nomuͤrris vnde apbheſtz Semmen
Line: 18    
kapis exkan Helles / treſſchen denan atkal
Line: 19    
auxkam czheles nho tims Muͤrronims.
Line: 20    
Vs kapis Debbeſſis / ſeedhe py to labbe Ro=
Line: 21    
ke / Dewe ta wuͤſſewalditaye Thewe / No
Line: 22    
thurrenes tas atees ſʒodyt toͤs Cziwes vn=
Line: 23    
de Muͤrrunnes.   E 2   Kas

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Line: 1  Kas gir tas? Adbilde.

Line: 2       
Es titcz ka JEſus Chriſtus patteſe Dews / nho
Line: 3    
Thewe exkan muſʒige peczimptz / vnde arridtczan pat=
Line: 4    
teſe Cilwhex no thãs Jumprouwes Marie peczimmis /
Line: 5    
mans Kunx gir / Katters man paſʒuſte vnde noladhe=
Line: 6    
te Czilwheke atpeſits *25 gir / nho wuͤſſims Greekims / no
Line: 7    
Nawe / vnde no to warre vnde Speeke tho Whelne /
Line: 8    
nhe ar Szelte yeb Sziddrabbe / Beth ar ſʒouwe darge
Line: 9    
Aſſenne / vnd ar ſʒouwe neenoſʒcetczige Czeſchenne vn=
Line: 10    
de Nawe / Ka es winge paſſche eſme / vnde exkan win=
Line: 11    
ge Walſtibe appeſkan tho Cziwo / vnde tham Kalpo
Line: 12    
exkan muſʒige Taiſnibe / Nenoſʒceczybe vnd Sweetibe /
Line: 13    
lidtcz ka tas gir atkal vs czheles / no Nawe / cziwo vnde
Line: 14    
wald muſʒige / Tas gir teſcham teſe.

Line: 15  Tas

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Paragraph: 3   Link to aprdt Link to apreuss Link to vilentasLink to lysius
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Line: 1  Tas treſſches Loczeklis / thas Swee==
Line: 2 

Line: 3    
Es titcz exkan to Sweete Garre / We=
Line: 4    
na Sweeta Chruſtyta Baſnicze / ta droug=
Line: 5    
czibe thoͤs Sweetes / Pammeſſchen thoͤs
Line: 6    
Greekes / auxkam czelſchenne täs Meſʒes /
Line: 7    
vnd wene muſʒige Cziwoſchenne / Amen.

Line: 8  Kas gir tas? Adbilde.

Line: 9       
Es titcz / kha es ar manne paſſche Szappraſchen=
Line: 10    
ne needtcz Speetczibe exkan JEſum Chriſtum manne
Line: 11    
Kunge / neewar titczet yeb pyto naeckt / Beth thas
Line: 12    
Sweetcz Gars gir man czour tho Euangelium aitcze=
Line: 13    
nays / ar ſʒouwims Dawanims paſkaydroys / exkan
Line: 14    
patteſe Titczibe ſweetis / vnde vs thurreys / lydtcz kha
Line: 15    
tas to wuͤſſe chruſtite Drougczibe wuͤrſʒon Semmes /
Line: 16    
aytczena / ſʒackraye / abſkaydro / Sweety / vnde py JE=
Line: 17    
ſu Chriſto vsthur / exkan wene pattheſe Titczybe. Ex=
Line: 18    
kan kattre Chruſtite Droudczibe thas man vnde wuͤſ=
Line: 19    
ſims Titczigims deniſke wuͤſſes Greekes pammeth /
Line: 20    
vnde exkan tho Paſtare dene man / Vnd wuͤſſes Muͤr=
Line: 21    
rones atkal vſʒmodenas / Vnde man / ar wuͤſſims

Line: 22  Titczigims exkan Chriſto / wene muſʒige
Line: 23 
Cziwoſchenne dhos / Tas gir
Line: 24 
teſcham teſa.

Line: 25  E 3 Das

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Old-Latvian Corpus.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 10.12.2008. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.