Old-Latvian Corpus
Part No. 9
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Part: Qu.Euch.  
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Line: 8  Frage vnd Antwort auffs kűrtzeſte
Line: 9 
geſtellt fűr dieſelbig ſo zum Abentmal
Line: 10 
des HErrn gehen wollen.

Line: 11    Wena Chruſtite Maetcibe nho tho Joutaſchen vnd
Line: 12    
Adbildeſchenne prexkan thims / kattre thur py Dewe
Line: 13    
Galde edth.

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Line: 14  Ta Pirma Jautaſchen.

Line: 15    
Titcz tu / kha tu wens greetczenex es? Adbild.

Line: 16  Ja / es titcz tho / es eſme wens Greetczenex.
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Line: 17 
Ta Otra Joutaſchen
Line: 18 
Ka ſʒin tu tho? Adbilde.

Line: 19       
Aran thims Deſmette Bouſʒlims / thoͤs nhe
Line: 20    
eſme es thurreys.

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Line: 21  Ta Treſſcha Joutaſſchen.
Line: 22 
Gir thoͤw touwe Greeke arridtczen ſʒeele? Adbilde.

Line: 23       
Ja thas gir man ſʒeele / kha es prettibe Dewe
Line: 24    
Greekeys eſſme.

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Line: 25  Ta Czettorta Joutaſſchen.
Line: 26 
Koeſʒhe *5 tu ar touwims greekims pelnis? Adbild.
Line: 27 

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Line: 1    
Neeneke labbe / Dewe duſmibe vnde Enaydibe / tho lai=
Line: 2    
kyge Nawe / vnde tho muſʒige paſſuſſchenne.

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Line: 3  Tha Peketa Joutaſchenne
Line: 4 
Titcz tu Greeke pammeſchenne? Adbilde.
Line: 5 
Es titcz no wuͤſſe ſʒirde.
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Line: 6 
Ta Szeſta Joutaſchenne.
Line: 7 
Ka thope touwe Greeke pammeſte? Adbilde /
Line: 8 
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Line: 9 
Ta Septita Joutaſchenne.
Line: 10 
Kas gir Chriſtus? Adbilde.
Line: 11 
Dewe Dhels / patteſe Dews vnde Czilwhex.
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Line: 12 
Ta Aſtota Joutaſchenne.
Line: 13 
Czeke gir thur Dewe? Adbilde.

Line: 14    
Thur gir wens wenix Deivs / Beth tryſʒ Per=
Line: 15    
ſone / Dews Thews / Dews Dhels / Dews Swetcz
Line: 16    

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Line: 17  Ta Doeuwita Joutaſchenne.
Line: 18 
Kas gir Dews thas Thews? Adbilde.

Line: 19    
Dews tas Thews gir muſʒe Radditays / Deb=
Line: 20    
bes vnde thãs Semmes / vnde wuͤſſes lethes.

Line: 21  Kas gir Dewe Dhels *6 Adbilde.

Line: 22    
Dewe Dhels gir muſſe Peſtitays / kas mums nho
Line: 23    
Greekims peſtys gir.

Line: 24  Kas gir thas ſweetcz Gars? Adbilde.

Line: 25    
Tas ſweetcz Gars gir muſſe ſweete darritais *7 vnde
Line: 26    

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Line: 27  Ta Deſmette Joutaſchen.

Line: 28  B 2Gir

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Line: 1    
Gir tur trys Radditaye / Peſtitaye vnde ſweete=
Line: 2    
darritaye?   Adbilde.
Line: 3    
Neenekade / Beth wens wenix Dews / tas Rad=
Line: 4    
ditays / Peſtitays / vnde ſweetcz darrytays.

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Line: 5  Ta wenepaddeſmette Joutaſchenne.

Line: 6       
Kas gir thoͤw nho Greekims
Line: 7       
peſtis? Adbilde.
Line: 8    
Dewe Dhels JEſus Chriſtus / Thas gir par man=
Line: 9    
nems Greekems / tho ruͤckte Nawe czetis / vnde ſʒouwe
Line: 10    
darge Aſſenne yſleys py to kruſte koke.

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Line: 11  Ta duewepaddeſmette Joutaſchen.

Line: 12       
Ko buus wenam Czilwhekam darryth / Kad ta
Line: 13    
czirdtcz no Greekims gruta gir? Adbilde.
Line: 14    
Tam buus py ſʒouwe Baſznicekunge edth / Vnde
Line: 15    
luuckt Greeke pammeſſchen czour Chriſtum / vnde py
Line: 16    
Dewe galde edth.

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Line: 17  Ta Treſſcha paddeſmette Joutaſchen.

Line: 18       
Ka buuſe thims tad cziwooth / Kattre thur py
Line: 19       
Dewe galde edth? Adbilde.
Line: 20    
Thems buuſe cziwoth exkan Dewe byaſchenne / vnd
Line: 21    
Dewe peluuckſchenne / exkan eehſchen vnde czerſchen
Line: 22    
gaddige thurreetes.

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Line: 23  Ta Czettortapaddeſmette Joutaſchen.

Line: 24          
Grib tu labprath py Dewe galde edth / yeb kas
Line: 25       
ſpeſche thoͤw tur klath? Adbilde
Line: 26    
Manne Greeke vnde Dewe pawheleſchenne.

Line: 27  Ta

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Line: 1  Ta Peecktapaddeſmette Joutaſchen.

Line: 2       
Ko ehde vnde ſʒeer tu tnr *8 py Dewe
Line: 3       
galde? Adbilde.
Line: 4    
Es ehmo vnde ſʒeeryo thur tho patteſe Meſſe vnnde
Line: 5    
Aſſen JEſu Chriſti / par eſtippreſchenne manne waye
Line: 6    

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Line: 7  Ta Szeſtapaddeſmette Joutaſchen.

Line: 8       
Kattre Czilwheke edth czenige py Dewe
Line: 9       
galde. Adbilde.
Line: 10    
The / kattrims tha titczibe gir exkan Chriſto JEſu /
Line: 11    
vnde titcz / Ka thas pãr thims ſʒouwe daerge Aſſen yſ=
Line: 12    
leys / nomuͤrris vnde auxkam czeelis gir.

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Line: 13  Ta Septitepaddeſmeette Joutaſchen.

Line: 14       
Katte Czilwheke edth thur neczenige py Dewe
Line: 15       
Galde? Adbilde.
Line: 16    
The / kattre exkan Chriſto JEſu netitcz / vnde pal=
Line: 17    
leck exkan ſʒouwims rupyems Greekims.

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Line: 18  Ta Aſtota paddeſmette Joutaſchen.

Line: 19       
Ka buus thad wenam Czilwhekam thurretes /
Line: 20       
Kas tas py Dewe galde buͤwis
Line: 21       
gir? Adbilde.
Line: 22    
Tham buus godibe vnde gaddige thurretes / Vnde
Line: 23    
exkan Dewe byaſchenne cziwooth / vnde allaſʒin Dewe
Line: 24    
peluuckt vnde peſʒouckt / vnde ſʒouwe ſʒinnamme ſʒirde
Line: 25    
tyſche ar greekims nhe abganyth.

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Line: 26  Ta doͤwite paddeſmette Joutaſchen.

Line: 27       
Kha buus wenam Czilwhekam Dewe

Line: 28  B 3 peluuckt /

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Line: 1       
peluuckt / Khad thas py Dewe galde grib
Line: 2       
edth? Adbilde.
Line: 3    
O wuͤſſe waldyx Dews vnde Debbeſſe Thews /
Line: 4    
Mhes luuctczam thoͤw / tu grib mums touwe ſweete
Line: 5    
Garre dooth / kha mhes czour wene godige vnde labbe
Line: 6    
ſweetige cziwoſchen / ſcho darge / Meſʒe vnde Aſſene
Line: 7    
teuwe myle Dhele / muſʒe Kunge vnde peſtitaye JEſu
Line: 8    
Chriſti czenige warram ehſt vnde czert vnde kha muſʒe
Line: 9    
Titczibe war eſtippreete tapt / vnde ka mhes exkan my=
Line: 10    
leſtibe vnde czerribe / vnde exkan to Titczibe pe augam /
Line: 11    
Vnde ys gallam warram ſtippre paſtaweth / thoͤw
Line: 12    
par gode vnde ſʒlawe / vnde patteſe packlouſiſchenne.
Line: 13    
Czour tho patte touwe myle Dhele JEſum Chriſtum
Line: 14    
muſʒam Kungam / Amen.
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Line: 15       
Ta duewe deſmette Joutaſchen.
Line: 16       
Ka buus wenam Czilwhekam peetcz tho khad
Line: 17       
thas py Dewe Galde buewis gir / Dewe
Line: 18       
patteickt? Adbilde.

Line: 19    
O Kunx JEſu Chriſti mhes patteitczam thoͤw /
Line: 20    
kha tu mums czour touwe ruckte Nawe / vnde mokems /
Line: 21    
nho leluns *9 beedims / vnde Dewe duſmibe peſtis eſſhe /
Line: 22    
Vnde ka mhes touwe ſweete Moczibe allaſʒine war=
Line: 23    
ram peminneeth vnde ar tho elyrmotos / dode mums
Line: 24    
touwe ſweete Garre / kha mhes to patte touwe darge
Line: 25    
Meſʒe vnde Aſſen ta warram walkooth ehſt vnd czert /
Line: 26    
kha mhes allaſʒin touwe lele myleſtibe exkan mums

Line: 27  auglige

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Line: 1    
auglige abdomath warram / vnde peetcz touwe prathe
Line: 2    
darryth / Katters tu cziwo vnde waldear *10 Dewe tho

Line: 3  Thewe / tho Dhele / vnde tho Sweete Garre
Line: 4 
exkan wene dewige buuſchen thur
Line: 5 
muſʒige / Amen.

Next part

This text is part of the TITUS edition of Old-Latvian Corpus.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 10.12.2008. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.