Fenne, Manual
Part No. 176
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Page: 198 
Line: 1    Besz bose˜i milosti nikomu omeet poruszkuiu
Line: 2    
reetzi vtzitza.
Line: 3       
Ahne gotts gnade kan nemandtt de rusche
Line: 4       
sprake lehren.
Line: 5    
Mollitze bohu safftzodi on omet tebe dast.
Line: 6       
Bidde gott allety˜tt he kandt dy˜ geuen
Line: 7  *   
Posallui podsim scedi osli menæ da govori somnoi.
Line: 8       
Ich bidde dy˜ kum hir vnd sette dy˜ by˜ my˜ vndtt
Line: 9       
rede my˜tt my˜.
Line: 10    
Ias tebe ne boronu.   Ich wey˜ers dy˜ nichtt.
Line: 11  *   
Otzum ty˜ ne prischoll ias tebe daffno isdall.
Line: 12       
Worumb qwemestu nicht ich hebbe dy˜ner
Line: 13       
lange getouett.
Line: 14    
Mne ne doszuk da ne dagodalsa.
Line: 15       
Ich hadde key˜ne ty˜tt vnd dachte dar nicht vp.
Line: 16  *   
Kak mne to moluitt povaszim retze.
Line: 17       
Wo schall ich datt spreken vp iuwe spracke.
Line: 18    
Peruoi ia to sloua ne omell moluitt, slaua
Line: 19  *   
bohu ninetza ia omeiu govoritt.
Line: 20       
Ersten konde ich datt wordtt nichtt spreken
Line: 21       
gott loff nu kan ich idt sprecken.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Fenne, Manual.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 9.8.2010. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.