Fenne, Manual
Part No. 178
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Page: 200 
Line: 1    Ia wasz: swami dolosž˜u.
Line: 2       
Ich wy˜ll my˜ mitt iu beradttfragen.
Line: 3    
Ia sabludill ffleisz.   Ich vorbisterde im busche.
Line: 4  *   
Tzto ty˜ mne spraszy˜vaies.   Watt fragestu van my˜.
Line: 5    
Ttzogo ty˜ putaies.   Worna fragestu.
Line: 6    
Otzum ty˜ taies pered domnoi.
Line: 7       
Worumb vorbargestudtt vor my˜.
Line: 8  *   
Govori primne: pered domnoi: promenæ.
Line: 9  *   
Ttzogo ty˜ menæ klitzis.
Line: 10       
Worumb ropstu my˜.
Line: 11    
Bratke poslall tebe batzke pomenæ.
Line: 12       
Broder sende dy˜ de vader na my˜.
Line: 13    
Podi sputu da propusti menæ.
Line: 14       
Gahe vth dem wege vnd latt my˜ vorby˜.
Line: 15    
Moi gospodin prislall komne grammatu, da
Line: 16    
piszall velill mne domum iechatt da na
Line: 17    
pokroff den da dole ne vtzitza.
Line: 18       
My˜n here sande my˜ einen breff vndtt
Line: 19       
schreff vnd hetede my˜ tho hus kamen, vp
Line: 20       
michaely˜ vnd nicht lenger tho lehrenn.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Fenne, Manual.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 9.8.2010. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.