Fenne, Manual
Part No. 182
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Page: 204 
Line: 1    Sedlai kon ias chotsu ffgosti iechatt.
Line: 2       
Sadele datt perdtt ich wy˜ll tho gaste ry˜den.
Line: 3    
Roszedlai kon, mnie sdies notzuatt.
Line: 4       
Sadle aff datt perdtt ich wy˜ll hir harbergen
Line: 5  *   
PosÓúllui osloboni mnie sdies ffzu notz notzuvatt.
Line: 6       
Ich bidde vorloue my˜ dy˜se nachtt tho harbergen.
Line: 7    
Ias chotzu sdies ostatze.   Ich wy˜ll hir bly˜uen.
Line: 8  *   
PosÓúllui ospe aszudar pusti menæ ffsvoium
Line: 9  *   
podvorie notzuvatt.
Line: 10       
Ich bidde frundtlicher her werdtt latt my˜ in
Line: 11       
dy˜nem haue herbergen.
Line: 12    
Potzum ty˜ menæ snaies.   Worby˜ kenstu my˜.
Line: 13    
Pouidemie ia tebe snaiu.   Bim angesichte kenne ich dy˜
Line: 14    
Dai mne nosž˜ick na podirsania.
Line: 15       
Lehne my˜ ein mest.
Line: 16    
Ttzogo ty˜ putaies ottmenæ.
Line: 17       
Watt begerestu van my˜.
Line: 18    
Na kogo ty˜ smotris sdies.   Na weme suhstu hy˜r.
Line: 19  *   
To derevo kry˜va: gnætze.   Datt holdtt is krum: buchtt.
Line: 20    
Tzto tack pachnett.   Wadtt stinckett so.
Line: 21    
Tzto tack nuchatt.   Watt rucktt so.
Line: 22    
Nuchai na tutt traffka.   Ruck datt krudtt

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Fenne, Manual.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 9.8.2010. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.