Fenne, Manual
Part No. 201
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Page: 223 
Line: 1  *   Prikin: pribaff ry˜by˜ na posnatt dobro ia vinuiu
Line: 2    
poru ottebe kuplu.
Line: 3       
Warp vische tho thor erkenteny˜ße so koepe ich vp
Line: 4       
ey˜n anderty˜tt wedder van dy˜.
Line: 5    
PosÓúllui ne polinnis ffmoium dely˜, ia tebe vinuiu
Line: 6    
poru opæt otszluszu.
Line: 7       
Ich by˜dde dy˜ wes nichtt vordrottsam in my˜nem
Line: 8       
werke. ich wy˜ll dy˜ vp ein ander titt wedder
Line: 9       
tho wy˜llen sy˜n.
Line: 10  *   
Tzto batka opromuislaiett to sini propiutt da problæ-
Line: 11    
dotza ffkaminuiu polatu.
Line: 12       
Watt de vader vorwarfft datt vorsupen de sohens
Line: 13       
vnd vorhorendtt in stey˜nhusern.
Line: 14  *   
Podari ty˜ menæ tzto ia sa tebe strepall fftum deli.
Line: 15       
Begifftige du my˜ datt ich dy˜n warff wark vor
Line: 16       
dy˜ besturedtt hebbe.
Line: 17    
Diuo mne to darum prosž˜is, to ponaschum velika
Line: 18    
sorum, kak tebe sorum niett darum prosž˜itt.
Line: 19       
Idt wundertt my˜ dattu vorgeues biddest. datt
Line: 20       
is my˜tt vns grotte schande. schemestu dy˜ nichtt
Line: 21       
vorgeues tho bidden.
Line: 22  *   
Ia tebe togo diela ne podarill, tzto tebe menæ opæ
Line: 23  *   
odaruvatt.   Darumb hebbe ich dy˜ nichtt begifftigett
Line: 24       
dattu my˜ wedderumb soldest begifftigen.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Fenne, Manual.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 9.8.2010. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.