Fenne, Manual
Part No. 204
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Page: 226 
Line: 1  *   Buitt veszoll: rodosten: da poteszon da ne smuty˜
Line: 2    
da ne smuschai.
Line: 3       
Wes frolig vnd genochlich vnd wes nichtt vnhouisch.
Line: 4       
vnd doe key˜n achter klappendtt.
Line: 5    
Kudi mui idem guleti.   Wor gahe wy˜ hen spatzeren.
Line: 6    
Strach iovo y˜simala otmenæ, on ne smeie peret
Line: 7    
domnoiu ne vrochnutze.
Line: 8       
Ehm gruwett vor my˜ he dortt sich vor my˜
Line: 9       
nichtt rören.
Line: 10  *   
On ottmenæ storopilsa, ne smeie on mne ottvetzat.
Line: 11       
He is vor my˜ voruerdtt he dor my˜ nicht anroren.
Line: 12  *   
Otzum ti ludi ffmesti straffly˜vaies ne gotzis ty˜
Line: 13    
gich rosnett koli oni sebe biutz.
Line: 14       
Worumb schunnestu de lude tho hope du wultt
Line: 15       
se nichtt van andertehn wan se sich slaen.
Line: 16  *   
Vorotis posÓúllui polno ty˜ menæ provodill.
Line: 17       
Ich bidde dy˜ keer wedder du heffst my˜ genoch
Line: 18       
Line: 19  *   
Politznoia ottebe vosmu tzto ty˜ otmenæ kral.
Line: 20       
Ich wy˜ldtt bewy˜ß van dy˜ nehmen dattu
Line: 21       
van my˜ gestahlen heffst.
Line: 22  *   
To mnie obradualsa.
Line: 23       
Datt is my˜ leff.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Fenne, Manual.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 9.8.2010. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.