Fenne, Manual
Part No. 207
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Page: 229 
Line: 1    Ias togo ne narokum dospeell pochrechom ia togo
Line: 2  *   
dospeell, satim na menæ ne poveszui.
Line: 3       
Ich hebbe datt nichtt my˜t wy˜llen gedaen ich
Line: 4       
hebbe datt vnuorwandes gedaen, darumme
Line: 5       
vorkertt my˜ ny˜chtt.
Line: 6  *   
Polosž˜i ty˜ na moieu duschi, ias tebe præmo skasuval.
Line: 7       
Sette idtt vp my˜ne sehle ich hebbe dy˜
Line: 8       
rechtt gesechtt.
Line: 9  *   
Na velikum saluange tzto ty˜ menæ saluis kak büll
Line: 10    
iesmi ia ktebe.
Line: 11       
Grotten danch dattu my˜ begnadigett heffst
Line: 12       
alse were ich tho dy˜ gewest.
Line: 13    
Ias tebe ne isž˜u ia isž˜u i ruszina tzeloweka.
Line: 14       
Ich soke dy˜ nichtt ich söke ey˜ne rußen.
Line: 15    
Ostansi ty˜ posÓúlui sdies.   Ich by˜dde bliff hir.
Line: 16    
Ia stoboi: vtebe ostanos.   Ich wy˜ll by˜ dy˜ bliuen.
Line: 17  *   
Vosmi ty˜ tuoi dolu: vtzestok da podi protz.
Line: 18       
Nim dy˜n pardtt vnd gahe wech.
Line: 19  *   
Guastliue govorit ne velika promuszall.
Line: 20       
Grodtt spreken is key˜ne grote kunst.
Line: 21    
Ttzur menæ tak skasat ias togo nikaktzo ne dumall.
Line: 22       
Datt scholde my˜ lehtt wesen so tho seggen ich
Line: 23       
hebbe idt key˜nerley˜ wy˜se gedachtt.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Fenne, Manual.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 9.8.2010. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.