Fenne, Manual
Part No. 211
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Page: 233 
Line: 1    Doszadnol tebe stalo, sto ias tebe skasal.
Line: 2       
Vordrutt idtt dy˜ datt ich dy˜ gesechtt hebbe.
Line: 3    
Podi na prauuiu storonu ty˜ menæ starie.
Line: 4       
Gahe vp de rechte handt du bist older alse ich
Line: 5    
Ia iogo oprafflu on fftom deli ne vinovate.
Line: 6       
Ich wy˜l ehm entschuldy˜gen, he is in de saken
Line: 7       
nichtt schuldich.
Line: 8    
Ne nadeisce ty˜ nie na kovo nadeisze ty˜ na boga.
Line: 9       
Vorlahtt dy˜ vp nemande sunder vp gott.
Line: 10  *   
Podi voimæ bosie: sbogum, bog tebe provodnik.
Line: 11       
Gott sy˜ din geley˜tzmahn, gahe my˜tt gade.
Line: 12    
To ia tebe sapraffdu skasu, da stoboi ne szutzu.
Line: 13       
Ich segge dy˜ datt my˜tt ernste vnd schimpe nichtt
Line: 14       
my˜tt dy˜.
Line: 15    
Mnogo ty˜ innim tzeloviekum soblis da malo tebe
Line: 16    
prikasna, soblis sa sebe.
Line: 17       
Du sorgest vele vor ey˜nem andern vnd wey˜nich
Line: 18       
is dy˜ beualen, sorge du vor dy˜ suluen.
Line: 19    
Moltzi da sluchai tzto ludi govoritt, da terpi.
Line: 20       
Swich, hore vnd litt watt de lude seggen.
Line: 21    
To diela tebe ne ffdoszadul, nit tebe diela da iovo.
Line: 22       
De sake bekummerdt dy˜ nicht, du heffst dar
Line: 23    
kein doendtt my˜tt.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Fenne, Manual.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 9.8.2010. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.