Fenne, Manual
Part No. 219
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Page: 241 
Line: 1    Toskliuo tebe odnomu siditt.
Line: 2       
Idt is dy˜ bekummerlich alley˜ne tho sitten.
Line: 3  *   
Ia ne mogu otnego niet nitzovo vy˜prosž˜itt.
Line: 4       
Ich kan ehm nichtes affbidden.
Line: 5    
Borsa nesto potraffuitt, da ne borsa nay˜ti.
Line: 6       
Men kan woll hastig watt vorlesen vnd
Line: 7       
nicht hastig watt wedder vinden.
Line: 8    
Ventzalnaiell vtebe sona.
Line: 9       
Heffst eine fruwe thor ehe genahmen
Line: 10    
Ffnemetzkoi semla, ffsækogo oveszku polno.
Line: 11       
In Dutzlandtt is alles auedes genoch.
Line: 12    
Tott tzeloviek buill obumörl da opet otsuuell.
Line: 13       
De mahn was ge beswogedt vnd nu is he
Line: 14       
wedder erqwicktt.
Line: 15    
Tott tzeloviek ffzerras chotill vmerett da
Line: 16    
ninetza opæt osilos da omoglos.
Line: 17       
De mahn wolde gistern steruen vnd nu is
Line: 18       
he wedder leuendich vnd stark.
Line: 19  *   
Kormilitze aspodine dai christa dlæ milostinu.
Line: 20       
Minn leue spy˜ser vnd heer. giff my˜ vmb
Line: 21       
gotts wy˜llen einen allmißen.
Line: 22    
Na nebe rosziasznilo budet vædro.
Line: 23       
De hemmell is geklart idt werdt gut weder.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Fenne, Manual.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 9.8.2010. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.