Fenne, Manual
Part No. 221
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Page: 243 
Line: 1    Vtoi tzonki litzo kak snek belo.
Line: 2       
Der fruwen antlatt is so wy˜tt alse snee.
Line: 3  *   
Vy˜perri: smoy˜ moi rubasky˜ tzisto.
Line: 4       
Wasche my˜ne hembde rey˜n.
Line: 5    
Trestza: leetnitza menæ settuertogo godu dirsall
Line: 6    
da ia dotichmest besz promusla buill. трясца.
Line: 7       
Datt febers datt kolde hefft my˜ ein
Line: 8       
verndeell iahrs vnderholden vnd sodder der
Line: 9       
ty˜tt bin ich sunder neringe gewest.
Line: 10    
Polubilos: islubilos mne tam samamomu iti
Line: 11  *   
ochva mne.
Line: 12       
Idt geleuett my˜ dar suluest hen tho gahende
Line: 13       
ich hebbe dar lusten tho.
Line: 14    
Tot tzolloviek gorbat da borodat, da scedat.
Line: 15       
De mahn is dukenackig vnd bebardett
Line: 16       
vnd griß.
Line: 17    
Ty˜ sdies buill da promena skall: sotzill, da ia
Line: 18    
fftuporu doma ne buill.
Line: 19       
Du bist hir gewest vnd heffst my˜ gesochtt vnd
Line: 20       
ich was vp de ty˜tt nichtt tho huß.
Line: 21  *   
Diuia chodit\s sapaszum.   Idtt is gutt tho
Line: 22       
gaende wen men watt thor warninge hefft

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Fenne, Manual.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 9.8.2010. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.