Fenne, Manual
Part No. 222
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Page: 244 
Line: 1    Lenoi tot tzeloviek kottori seboi sapaszu
Line: 2    
svoiogo ne noszit.
Line: 3       
Datt is sy˜ ein vuell mensche de sine
Line: 4       
were nicht mitt sich drechtt.
Line: 5    
On skronilsa sebe ffuglu da ne smele sebe iauit.
Line: 6       
He vorstack sich in den ordtt vnd dorste sich
Line: 7       
nichtt apenbahren.
Line: 8    
Deli ty˜ roffna da dai ti mnie moi dolu præmo.
Line: 9       
Dele lick vnd giff my˜ d my˜n deell rechtt.
Line: 10  *   
Vieroffka porualos, sveszat nietsim.
Line: 11       
Datt tow is tho braken, dar is nichtes des
Line: 12       
men my˜tt bindtt.
Line: 13  *   
Vtogo tzolovieku krutzinuvati voloszi da krutzinuvat
Line: 14    
Line: 15       
De mahn hefft kruese haer vnd is wreuell
Line: 16       
modich van herten
Line: 17    
Ty˜ menæ fftzerras peremogll ninetza ia tebe
Line: 18    
opet peremogu na promenu.
Line: 19       
Du werst my҃ geist my҃ gesteren tho stark
Line: 20       
nu bin ich dy˜ wedderumb tho stark.
Line: 21  *   
Nascha sila vaschu peremosa.
Line: 22       
Vnse kry˜ges herr is iuwen tho stark.
Line: 23  *   
Vy˜smorki nos.   Snuff de nese.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Fenne, Manual.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 9.8.2010. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.