Fenne, Manual
Part No. 224
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Page: 246 
Line: 1  *   Podi snam vnas iest dobro sliuale py˜va
Line: 2    
potvoium obützeu.
Line: 3       
Gahe my˜tt vns wy˜ hebbe gudtt vasch beer
Line: 4       
na dy˜ner wy˜se.
Line: 5    
Tot tzeloviek dobroi kotori sa sloua ne gimaitze.
Line: 6  *   
Gnevaitze da tzutki roszumee.
Line: 7       
De mahn is guedtt welcher vor ey˜nem
Line: 8       
worde nicht ertornedtt vnd kan schartz v(or)stan.
Line: 9    
Praff kodnoi storoni da propusti menæ.
Line: 10       
Wy˜k an ey˜ne sy˜tt vnd lahtt my˜ vorby˜.
Line: 11    
Ias tebe ne vprafflu.
Line: 12       
Ich wy˜ll dy˜ nichtt wy˜ken.
Line: 13    
Tot tzoloviek dobro volni sam sebe aspodar,
Line: 14    
nikomo on ne slusž˜ett.
Line: 15       
Datt is ein fry˜e mahn he is sy˜n suluest
Line: 16       
herr, he dent nemande.
Line: 17  *   
Volnoi pir kortzma chos pei, chos ne pei.
Line: 18       
Im kroge is ey˜n fry˜ gastgebodtt wiltu
Line: 19       
drinken off nicht drinken.
Line: 20    
Nam velika vy˜gre na more buill tzto mui malo
Line: 21    
ne potopli.
Line: 22       
Wy˜ hadden ey˜nen groten dwerwindt vp
Line: 23       
der sehe dat wy˜ schir vorsapen weren.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Fenne, Manual.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 9.8.2010. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.