Fenne, Manual
Part No. 228
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Page: 250 
Line: 1    Ia dremlu borsa mnie sasnutt koli ias
Line: 2    
spatt leggu.
Line: 3       
Ich sy˜ schleperich ich werde drade inslapen.
Line: 4       
wan ich my˜ slapen legge.
Line: 5  *   
Pobludi: priprety˜vai: schoroni ty˜ mnie to da
Line: 6  *   
inomu ne davai.
Line: 7       
Vorwahr my˜ datt vnd giff idtt ey˜nem
Line: 8       
anderen nichtt.
Line: 9    
Dai duch pivo spitt gorlo vmenæ peresochlo.
Line: 10       
Giff my˜ ey˜nen drungk beers tho drinken
Line: 11       
de halß is my˜ vordrogedtt.
Line: 12    
Kabbui ias malenki podole: pogoddill y˜no on
Line: 13    
ottmenæ pobeszall protz.
Line: 14       
Hadde ich ey˜n wey˜nich lenger getouett
Line: 15       
so wer he my˜ entlopen.
Line: 16  *   
Bog menæ dotichmest otchudich ludei bluell
Line: 17    
da bies tebe ninetza komne priwöl: priwesll.
Line: 18       
Gott hefft my˜ sußlang vor qwade lude
Line: 19     *   
bewardtt vnd de duuell hefft my˜ 2 nu
Line: 20     *   
tho dy˜ 1 geuortt.
Line: 21    
Dobro ty˜ tzeloviek da slichogo sž˜olla.
Line: 22       
Du bist ey˜n gudt mahn auerst vth einen
Line: 23       
qwaden dorpe.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Fenne, Manual.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 9.8.2010. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.