Fenne, Manual
Part No. 230
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Page: 252 
Line: 1    Perestan: niskni sorum tebe takoua sloua moluit.
Line: 2       
Hor vp swy˜ch idt is dy˜ schande dattu sodane
Line: 3       
worde redest.
Line: 4  *   
Skoromskogo slouo ty˜ govoris vnas ludi schoromeitzi
Line: 5    
tak molvit.
Line: 6       
Du redest schendtlige wordtt my˜tt vns [s]{che}men
Line: 7       
sich de lude sodane wordtt tho seggen.
Line: 8    
Ia iovo storopill ne smeet on mne otvetzat.
Line: 9       
Ich hebbe ehm voruerdtt he darff my˜ nichtt
Line: 10       
Line: 11  *   
Buit veszol: smiron da poteszon da sobotu pokin.
Line: 12       
Weß frolch fredtsahm vnd guder dy˜nge vnd
Line: 13       
werp de sorge wech.
Line: 14    
Iees da pei da bohum mollitze, da sobota pokin.
Line: 15       
Ehtt vnd dringk vnd werp de sorge wech. vnd
Line: 16       
danche godtt.
Line: 17    
Tzareoff sy˜n chrestiani koni borsa rostett.
Line: 18       
Des key˜sers sohne vnd der buren perde
Line: 19       
waßen hastig.
Line: 20    
Chotzes popum statt ias tebe popum stafflu.
Line: 21       
Wy˜ltu ey˜n pape werden ich wy˜ll tho ey˜nem
Line: 22       
Line: 23    
Miloserdia bosey˜ ne posda.
Line: 24       
De hulpe gades is nicht tho spade.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Fenne, Manual.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 9.8.2010. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.