Fenne, Manual
Part No. 238
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Page: 260  *
Line: 1    Nadobp tebe novitznoie pit: ty˜ ffpervoi sdies:
Line: 2  *   
ty˜ peresze tzoggo isdies ne buvall.
Line: 3       
Du most de wilköme drinken, idt is
Line: 4       
hir din erste du bist vor dise ty˜tt hir
Line: 5       
nichtt gewest.
Line: 6    
Nadobp nam tebe provodnoie dat ty˜ protz iedis.
Line: 7       
Wy˜ moten dy˜ de verlage geuen du
Line: 8       
rey˜sest wech.
Line: 9    
Ne oblitzai ty˜ menæ ias tebe ne oblitzaiu.
Line: 10       
Melde my˜ nichtt ich wy˜ll dy˜ nichtt melden.
Line: 11    
Dai ty˜ menæ praffuiu.   Giff my˜ ey˜n ordell
Line: 12  *   
Tzto tebe sobota stala.
Line: 13       
Watt is dy˜ vor sorge ankamen.
Line: 14    
Strach vmenæ ia tam odin ne idu.
Line: 15       
My˜ gruwedtt ich will dar nicht alley˜ne
Line: 16       
Line: 17  *   
Klikni ty˜ menæ koli ty˜ pospees.
Line: 18       
Roep my˜ wan du fardich bist.
Line: 19    
To diela prosla ia menæ fftom proglupall.
Line: 20       
Idt is geschen ich hebbe my˜ dar inne
Line: 21       

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Fenne, Manual.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 9.8.2010. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.