Fenne, Manual
Part No. 273
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Page: 297 
Line: 1    Wosmi kak ia tebe daval, ias tebe polno
Line: 2    
davall ty˜ tak polno primes, pribaffka tebe
Line: 3    
otmenæ sa to ne budet.
Line: 4       
Nim alß ich dy˜ gebaden hebbe ich hebbe dy˜
Line: 5       
vull gebaden du wy˜nst so genoch ich wy˜ll dy˜
Line: 6       
dar nicht mehr tho geuen.
Line: 7    
Pravo vbütka mnie licho potzinat ia torguiu
Line: 8    
spributka da ty˜ takovos.
Line: 9       
Wahrlich schaden is my˜ quadt tho beginnen
Line: 10       
ich kopslage vp wy˜nst vnd du ock so.
Line: 11  *   
Podi dabuit promesznika kottoroi promeszi nas promeszitzaiet
Line: 12    
besz promesznika nam stoboi ne torgovat.
Line: 13       
Gahe vnd krich ey˜nen mekeler, de twischen
Line: 14       
vns mekele sunder mekeler kopslage wy˜
Line: 15       
my˜tt dy˜ nicht.
Line: 16    
Promesznik, chotzis promeszi nas promesznitzat
Line: 17    
da nasche tovar na obæ storony˜ otzenit, my˜ tebe
Line: 18    
sa to dadim mogoretz.
Line: 19       
Wultu twischen vns mekelen: mekeler.
Line: 20       
vnd vnse wahre vp bey˜den sy˜den besehn
Line: 21       
werderen, daruan wy˜lle wy˜ dy˜ beergelt
Line: 22       

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Fenne, Manual.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 9.8.2010. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.