Fenne, Manual
Part No. 323
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Page: 347 
Line: 1    Daite vy˜ dengi mnie otpromestznitza, tzto ia
Line: 2    
promeszi vas promestznitzal.
Line: 3       
Geuedt my˜ geldt vam mekelen, dat ich
Line: 4       
twischen iu gemekeldt hebbe.
Line: 5  *   
Kolko tebe otmenæ iesze sa tovar ne doslo? Ias
Line: 6    
tebe dostal dodam.
Line: 7     *   
Wouehle restet dy˜ noch van my˜ vor de wahre?
Line: 8       
Ich will dy˜ den rest betahlen.
Line: 9    
Mnie ottebe doslo, ty˜ mnie ffzo saplatil.
Line: 10       
Ich hebbe vull van dy˜ du heffst my˜ alles
Line: 11       
Line: 12  *   
Vsli to diela obrædil.
Line: 13       
Is dat werk al geschehen.
Line: 14    
Vsol ty˜ to diela obrædil.
Line: 15       
Heffstu dat werk all gedahen.
Line: 16    
Otzum ty˜ ffmoich dengach litzis: prouolotzis:
Line: 17    
prouolokaies, da mnie denoch ne platis, kotory˜
Line: 18    
mnie ottebe ffzæt.
Line: 19       
Worumb vorentholstu my˜ my˜n geldt, vnd
Line: 20       
betahlest my˜ my˜n geldt nicht, dat ich van
Line: 21       
dy˜ hebben sall.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Fenne, Manual.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 9.8.2010. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.