Fenne, Manual
Part No. 325
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Page: 349 
Line: 1    Dai mnie dengi, kotory˜ na moiu dolu mnie
Line: 2    
podobay˜ ffzæt.
Line: 3       
Giff my˜ dat geldt welches my˜ vp my˜n deell
Line: 4       
tho kumptt, vnd my˜ behordt tho nehmen.
Line: 5    
Ia blago tovar deszovo kupil.
Line: 6       
Ich sy˜ frolich dat ich de wahre guden koep
Line: 7       
gekofft hebbe.
Line: 8    
Ty˜ mnie suoiovo tovaru na suoi tzenu ne
Line: 9    
perepustis, ty˜ otmenæ chotizs velikovo primka.
Line: 10       
Du auerlest my˜ dy˜ne wahre nicht, vp dy˜nen
Line: 11       
koep, du wilt grote wy˜nninge van my˜.
Line: 12  *   
Torguiy˜ ty˜ tovo tovaru, na suoiu tzenu.
Line: 13       
Kope de wahre vp my˜nen kop.
Line: 14    
Torgui ty˜ tovo tavaru, kotoroi stuoimi dengami
Line: 15    
vroven, tzto buit sebe soruma ne bülo.
Line: 16       
Kopslage de wahre de dy˜nem gelde gelich ist.
Line: 17       
Dattu dar suluest key˜ne schande van hebbest.
Line: 18    
Ia tovar smetil, mnie ottovo tovaru nie prinet
Line: 19    
nie naloszit, ias tebe iovo sa suoiu tzenu
Line: 20    
Line: 21       
Ich hebbe de wahre auerslagen, ich winne oder
Line: 22       
vorlese nicht vp der wahre, vor my˜nen kop
Line: 23       
hebbe ich se dy˜ auerlahten.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Fenne, Manual.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 9.8.2010. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.