Fenne, Manual
Part No. 21
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Page: 37 
Line: 1       Van geistlichen standt vnd regimentt.

Line: 2    
патриярхъ   patriarch   pawest
Line: 3    
митрополит   mitropolitt   cardinaell
Line: 4    
архиепискѹп   archipischup   ertz bischop
Line: 5    
владика   vladika   bischop
Line: 6    
архимандрик   archimandrik   prauest
Line: 7    
игѹмен   igumen   abbedtt
Line: 8    
игѹменя   igumenia   abdische
Line: 9    
чернецъ   tzernetz   monke
Line: 10  *   
черница   tzernitza   nunne
Line: 11    
соборная   sobornaia   doem
Line: 12  *   
волостъ   vollost   kespell
Line: 13    
мирянин   mirænin   christe
Line: 14    
грѣсник   greisnik   sunder
Line: 15    
амбонъ   ambon   predichstoell
Line: 16    
ерѣсники   ieresniki   heiden

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Fenne, Manual.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 9.8.2010. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.