Fenne, Manual
Part No. 348
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Page: 372 
Line: 1    Blaggo ty˜ menæ ottovo tzelovieka spaszal,
Line: 2    
kabui ty˜ menæ ottiovo ne spasal on bui menæ
Line: 3    
tim tovarum omanil.
Line: 4       
Idt gudt dattu my˜ vor dem mahne gewarnet
Line: 5       
heffst, heddestu my˜ nicht gewahrnedt he hedde my˜
Line: 6       
my˜t der wahre bedragen.
Line: 7  *   
Schupai ruky˜ ffmech, da posmotri, da ponuchai
Line: 8    
tovar tebe poobutzeiul.
Line: 9       
Taste my˜t der handt in den sack, vnd besuhe
Line: 10       
vnd beruck, off dy˜ de wahre dehndt, behagedt
Line: 11  *   
Otkoloti botzku, da vy˜mi dno von, da pokaszi
Line: 12    
suoi tovar, kakoff tuoi tovar.
Line: 13       
Slae vp de tunne vnd, nim den boddem vth,
Line: 14       
vnd wiß dy˜ne wahre, wo dy˜ne wahre i
Line: 15  *   
Vdrobrogo tovaru bolse primka kak vchudovo:
Line: 16    
Line: 17       
Vp guder wahre wahre i behter winst
Line: 18       
alß vp slimmer.
Line: 19    
Dai mnie decet griueni na potzinok, ty˜ mnie
Line: 20    
dostal oposle dodas.
Line: 21       
Giff my˜ 10 M vp de handt vor aff, du
Line: 22       
giffst my˜ de rest woll nahe.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Fenne, Manual.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 9.8.2010. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.