Fenne, Manual
Part No. 399
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Page: 423 
Line: 1    Ia tovar na ffzor kuplu, sa otzi ia iovo ne kuplu.
Line: 2       
Ich will de wahre besehns kopen, vnbesehens
Line: 3       
will ich se nicht kopen.
Line: 4    
Ias tebe suoi tovar ffsaklad poloszu, dokul ia
Line: 5    
denoch dabuvaiu.
Line: 6       
Ich wy˜ll dy˜ my˜ne wahre tho pande setten,
Line: 7       
beht datt ich geldt kry˜ge.
Line: 8    
Ne vmeet tovo tovaru pochulit tovar narotzit,
Line: 9    
tomu tovaru ochul niet.
Line: 10       
Men kan de wahre nicht lastern, de
Line: 11       
wahre vthermahten gudt, de wahre
Line: 12       
key˜neß lasterens werdt.
Line: 13  *   
Na suoiei dobro ne opalaisza ty˜, bog omeet
Line: 14    
dast ffzæt.
Line: 15       
Vp dy˜n gudt vorlaht dy˜ nicht, godt kandt
Line: 16       
geuen vnd nehmen.
Line: 17    
Bohatistva vtzelovieka gost, sagodne vtovo saffter
Line: 18    
Line: 19       
Rikedoem by˜ ey˜nem menschen ey˜n gast,
Line: 20       
huden by˜ deme morgen by˜ ey˜nem andern.
Line: 21  *   
Chto takoff iest: tzto sa kuptzina.
Line: 22       
Wadt dat vor ey˜n, wat dat vor ey˜n
Line: 23       

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Fenne, Manual.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 9.8.2010. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.