Fenne, Manual
Part No. 450
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Page: 482  *
Line: 1    Kotoroi okol starogu kotela tertzit, tot
Line: 2    
buden ruden.
Line: 3       
Welker sich an ey˜nem olden ketell
Line: 4       
rifft, de besmittedt sich darmy˜t. d
Line: 5    
Ia kot ffmecha ne kuplu, ia ffpervoi smotru.
Line: 6       
Ich will de katte im sacke nicht kopen
Line: 7       
ich will se ersten besehn.
Line: 8    
Golod dospet siroi bub slasen.
Line: 9       
Hunger makedt rohe bohnen sohte.
Line: 10    
Leti bes krila, da kuszi bes suby˜.
Line: 11       
Fleg sunder veddern vnd bitt sunder tenen.
Line: 12    
Chto sž˜ivet besz sobota, tie vmeret bes bohatistva.
Line: 13       
Woll dar leuedt sunder sorge de steruedt
Line: 14       
sunder rickedoem.
Line: 15    
Tesliva da sobota, tot tzelovieka, stara iemlit.
Line: 16       
Kummer vndt sorge, makedt ey˜nen mahme olt.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Fenne, Manual.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 9.8.2010. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.