Fenne, Manual
Part No. 492
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Page: 554  *
Line: 1    ѡсми детсять   osmi detsaet   80
Line: 2  *   
полъ девяносто   pol devænosto   85
Line: 3    
девяносто   devænosto   90
Line: 4    
сто беӡь пяти   sto bes pæti   95
Line: 5    
сто   sto   100
Line: 6    
половина   polovina   1/2
Line: 7    
полтара   poltara   1 1/2
Line: 8  *   
полътретьи   poltrety˜   2 1/2
Line: 9    
полъ четьверты   pol tzetverty˜   3 1/2
Line: 10    
полъ пяты   polpæty˜   4 1/2
Line: 11  *   
полъ шести   pol schesti   5 1/2
Line: 12    
полъ семи   polsemy˜   6 1/2
Line: 13    
полъ ѡсми   polosmy˜   7 1/2
Line: 14    
полъ девяты   poldevæty˜   8 1/2
Line: 15    
полъ детсяты   poldetsæty˜   9 1/2
Line: 16    
полъ ѡдинатцаты   polodinatzaty˜   10 1/2

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Fenne, Manual.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 9.8.2010. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.