Smolensk Treaty of 1229
Part No. 3
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Page: Notes 
Line: 1    {ѡт}идето: sic. ОБ point to a second instance of the unexpected ending -то in line 43. In the latter case, however, it is clear that we are dealing with the final letter -ь: насилоуэть. ^
Line: 2    
ѡстанѣть: ѣ corrected by the scribe from ь. -- Abbr. лѣта (cf. also three times 92 лѣтъ). ^
Line: 3    
Abbr. владыка. -- СЛ incorrectly put a titlo over ѹӡдоумалъ. -- Abbr. давыдовъ. -- Abbr. сынъ. ^
Line: 4    
исвоэго: read ис своэго (cf. 55 исмольнеска). -- горда: sic (cf. 45 сербра). ^
Line: 5    
послъмь: sic (singular instead of dual ending). -- гочкыи: ОБ note: "гочкыи -- диалектная черта: ч вм. ц, тоже часто и ниже" (cf. 25 times гочк- vs. 4 times гот(е)ск-). -- СЛ put four instead of five points after миръ. ^
Line: 6    
промьжю: ОБ note: "смешанное управление (род. и тв. падежи)". Elsewhere we find after (про)мьжю 7 times the instrumental case. -- Пре: ОБ note: "в списках В и С про, значение -- ради" (cf. 55 про). ^
Line: 7    
Abbr. божи(и) (cf. also 84 божиихъ, 93 божии; 12, 87 богъ; 81 богородице). ^
Line: 8    
СЛ put a point after пакъ. -- рѹси: ѹ corrected by the scribe from о. Elsewhere we find ѹ only in 3 ѹӡдоумалъ, 77 гривнѹ, and 86 кѹпьчь. СЛ note that in 77 ѹ is also corrected from о. The same may be the case in 86. -- СЛ leave out the point after рѹси. ^
Line: 9    
СЛ leave out the point after всемъ. ^
Line: 12    
того: г corrected by the scribe from т (cf. 19 гривны?, 98 тиндрикъ). -- Abbr. человѣка (cf. also 14, 41 человѣкъ, 13, 26, 39, 56 человѣка, 29, 72 человѣкоу, 28 человѣкомь). -- Abbr. смерти. ^
Line: 13    
былы instead of было (as in copies B and C). ^
Line: 14    
СЛ leave out the point after серебра. ^
Line: 15    
СЛ put five points after оубитъ. -- СЛ leave out the point after риӡе. ^
Line: 16    
ЉЛко: initial ЉЛ includes a point (sole attestation). -- гривьнъ: ОБ emendate гривны, which, however, is incorrect (cf. Zaliznjak 1995: 148). ^
Line: 18    
гривнъ instead of гривны (cf. 45 · г҃ · гривны). ^
Line: 19    
СЛ leave out the point after полоуторы. -- гривны: г corrected by the scribe from т? (СЛ note гривны, ОБ read тривны; cf. 12 того, 98 тиндрикъ). ^
Line: 20    
поп҃у: /u/ may be reflected by оу (п[o]поу) or by у (попу), which is rarely attested elsewhere: 23 порукы, 27 латинину, 31-32 послу\хомь, 72 путе, 75 въск҃у. ^
Line: 21    
гривны: erased (unvisible) letter between и and в. -- серебра: СЛ read сер · ебра. However, the space between р and е leaves no room for a point. ОБ read серебра. ^
Line: 22    
дыбоу: СЛ read дывоу, ОБ дыбоу. The facsimile leaves room for both interpretations. Perhaps initial в was afterwards corrected by the scribe in б. ^
Line: 25    
немчиноу: inkstain on е. -- рооиноу: read роусиноу. -- оуӡѧти: ОБ read оуӡѧтэ, which is less plausible. ^
Line: 27    
{ѡт}имьть: superscript т is not noted by СЛ. ^
Line: 33    
СЛ leave out the point after риӡѣ. ^
Line: 34    
береӡѣ: ӡ corrected by the scribe from т (cf. 75 ӡолъта). ^
Line: 35    
латина: read латинина. ^
Line: 38    
събою: inkstain on б. -- СЛ leave out the point after сѧ. ^
Line: 39    
своэю: СЛ: "съ своэю?", ОБ: "своэю т. е. с своэю (как в списке В)" (cf. 55 своимь, 82 смолнѧны). -- СЛ leave out the point after женъю. ^
Line: 40    
оучинити: the reading оучунити in СЛ is corrected in the "опечатки". -- СЛ put a point after риӡѣ. ^
Line: 41    
СЛ note two points after сорома. ^
Line: 42    
гривьнъ: inkstain on ь, making it look like в (cf. 43 серьбра). -- СЛ leave out the point after риӡѣ. ^
Line: 43    
нѣи: ѣ corrected by the scribe from ь. -- серьбра: inkstain on ь, making it look like в (cf. 42 гривьнъ). -- на на: sic. ^
Line: 45    
сербра: sic (cf. 4 горда). ^
Line: 46    
то ть: ОБ explain: "союзное речение в смысле -- то, тогда, в таком случае" (cf. also Zaliznjak 1995: 179). ^
Line: 47    
Abbr. дьнии. ^
Line: 48    
въль: in normal orthography: волѣ (gen. sing.). ^
Line: 49    
ти · оунъ: read тиоунъ (cf. 46-47 тиоу\на, 74 Тиоуноу). -- СЛ leave out the point after пришелъ. ^
Line: 52    
СЛ note: "Между _:_ и тъ слабый желтый контур от а; смыто, вероятно, писцом". ^
Line: 53    
свободно: д corrected by the scribe from б. -- СЛ note: "Перед а слабый контур букв от начала какого-то слова: бе; смыто, вероятно, писцом". ОБ deciphers "ве -- описка". ^
Line: 55    
исмольнеска: read ис смольнеска (cf. 4 исвоэго). -- СЛ leave out the point after исмольнеска. -- своимь: read съ своимь (cf. 39 своэю, 82 смолнѧны). -- про: cf. 6 Пре. ^
Line: 60    
роусина: о corrected by the scribe from и. -- СЛ put a comma instead of a point after соудъ. ^
Line: 61    
дѣткого: read дѣтского (cf. 64 Латинес҃комоу, 71 смольнс҃кѣ, and 75 въск҃у, with corrections by the scribe in the same cluster). ^
Line: 63    
дѣлаiти: sole attestion of dotted i. СЛ: "i написано теми же чернилами по смытому э". ^
Line: 67    
камь: read камъ, i.e. камо. ^
Line: 68    
ѡроудиэ: СЛ: "Между ½, р, о, следы ржавчины". (68-69) доконе\чано: СЛ read доконь\чано. Judging from the facsimile, the reading by ОБ (доконe\чано) is more plausible. ^
Line: 69    
СЛ leave out the point after роусию. -- СЛ put a point after пьредъ. ^
Line: 73    
латинескии: inkstain between word-final и and и. -- гость (ОБ: "слово употреблено в собирательном значении") is written above латинескии. ^
Line: 74    
капию: the reading копию in СЛ is corrected in the "опечатки". ^
Line: 75    
ӡолъта: ӡ corrected by the scribe from т (cf. 34 береӡѣ). -- вѣсцѣ: read вѣсцю. ^
Line: 76    
ничего: ч corrected by the scribe from н.Tnc12
Line: 77    
СЛ leave out the point after продасть. -- гривнѹ: ѹ corrected by the scribe from о (cf. 8 рѹси). ^
Line: 79    
СЛ leave out the point after коуна. ^
Line: 80    
въдино: read въ одино. -- СЛ leave out the point after мьсто. ^
Line: 81    
Abbr. свåтоэ. -- СЛ leave out the point after дроугая. -- Abbr. церкви. ^
Line: 82    
смолнѧны: read съ смолнѧны (cf. 39 своэю, 55 своимь). -- СЛ leave out the point after то ть. ^
Line: 84    
СЛ leave out the points after свободноу. ^
Line: 86    
кѹпьчь: ѹ corrected by the scribe from о? (cf. 8 рѹси). -- СЛ leave out the point after иӡбиэть. ^
Line: 87    
СЛ leave out the point after свободоу. ^
Line: 88    
свобонъ: read свободенъ. -- беререӡѣ: read береӡѣ. -- СЛ leave out the point after пакости. ^
Line: 89    
СЛ leave out the point after надобѣ. ^
Line: 92    
ишлъ: read исшло. -- Abbr. рожества. -- Abbr. господенå. -- СЛ incorrectly put * before а҃. ^
Line: 94    
СЛ leave out the point after пьчатию. ^
Line: 98    
тиндрикъ: read гиндрикъ (cf. 12 того, 19 гривны?). -- СЛ put a point after тиндрикъ. ^
Line: 100    
противоу: в corrected by the scribe from п.

This text is part of the TITUS edition of Smolensk Treaty of 1229.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 9.8.2010. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.