Pahlavi Translation of the Avesta: Videvdad 19
Part No. 10
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Verse: a    zltwhšt261* ՚hnwl pr՚c slwt'262* AYK yt՚hwwylyw'263*
zardušt ahunawar frāz srūd yatāhuvairyō

Verse: b    
pr՚cš264* gwpt ՚hlwb' zltwšt'265* AYK ZK Y MN LK pwrsym266* l՚st'267* OL268* L YMRRWNyd269* 270*՚whrmẕd [՚wstwb՚l MDMENm. AYT MNW ՚ytwn' YMRRWNyt l՚st *՚hnwl271* YMRRNyd]
frāz-iš guft ahlaw zardušt ān ī az pursēm rāst ō man gōwē ohrmazd [awestwār sahēm. ast ēdōn gōwēd rāst ahunawar gōwē]

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Pahlavi Translation of the Avesta: Videvdad 19.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 24.3.2021. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.