Pahlavi Translation of the Avesta: Videvdad 19
Part No. 14
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Paragraph: 14  Link to avesta
Verse: a    BRA-KLYTWNydy324* LK zltwšt plw՚š325* Y326* L MNW ՚whrmẕd HWEm
bē-xwānē zardušt frawāš ī man ohrmazd hēm

Verse: b    
MNW ZK Y327* [՚whrmẕd] mhst328* [PWN tn']329* p՚šwm [PWN ՚lc'330*] nywktwm [PWN HẔYTWNtn'331*] hlwšdtwm332* [shttwm333*] hltygtwm [d՚n՚ktwm] hwklptwm [AYK hnd՚m ՚ywk OL TWḆ pscktwm334*] PWN ՚hl՚dyh QDMtwm335*
ān ī [ohrmazd] mahist [pad tan] ī pāšom [pad arz] nēktom [pad dīdan] xrušdtom [saxttom] xradīgtom [dānāgtom] hukirbtom [kū handām ēk ō did passazagtom] pad ahlāyīh abartom

Verse: c  336*   
MNW *ZK Y337* lwb՚n' m՚nslspnd
ān ī ruwān mānsarspand

Verse: d    
BNPŠE338* KRYTWNydy zltwšt'339* ẔNE d՚m Y ՚whrmẕd [՚y MN YDE AL gwm՚l] .
xwad xwānē zardušt ēn dām ī ohrmazd [ay az dast ma gumār]

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Pahlavi Translation of the Avesta: Videvdad 19.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 24.3.2021. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.