Pahlavi Translation of the Avesta: Videvdad 19
Part No. 17
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Paragraph: 17  Link to avesta
Verse: a    pwrsytš388* zltwšt389* MN ՚whrmẕd AYK d՚t՚l ՚p՚tyh՚390* ՚whrmẕd [AYK nywkyh KBD ՚c-š]
pursīd-iš zardušt az ohrmazd dādār ābādīhā ohrmazd [kū nēkīh was az-iš]

Verse: b    
PWN kt՚l gwbšn' YḎBHWNm391* AP-t PWN kt՚l gwbšn' pr՚c YḎBHWN-m392* [h՚wšt՚n'393* Y394* L]395* ẔNE d՚m Y ՚whrmẕd
pad kadār gōwišn yazēm u-t pad kadār gōwišn frāz yazēm [hāwištān ī man] ēn dām ī ohrmazd

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Pahlavi Translation of the Avesta: Videvdad 19.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 24.3.2021. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.