Pahlavi Translation of the Avesta: Videvdad 19
Part No. 27
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Verse: a    d՚t՚l ՙ՚ AYK OLEš՚n d՚sl YHWWNd [PWN m՚hm՚nyh] AYK OLEš՚n d՚sl556* BRA-SGYTWNd [AYKš՚n YATWNšn' OZLWNšn' AYK gyw՚k] AYK OLEš՚n'557* d՚sl QDM YHWWNd [PWN ՚ywk ltkyh] AYK OLEš՚n d՚sl558* LAWHL OL559* hm [gyw՚k] YHMTWNd [OL GBRA] MNW ANŠWTA ḆYN ՚hw'560* Y ՚st՚wmnd561* OL ZK Y562* NPŠE lwb՚n'563* BRA-YHBWNd.
dādār o awēšān dāsr bawēnd [pad mehmānīh] awēšān dāsr bē-rawēnd [kū-šan āyišn šawišn gyāg] awēšān dāsr abar bawēnd [pad ēk radagīh] awēšān dāsr abāz ō ham [gyāg] rasēnd mard] mardōm andar axw ī astōmand ō ān ī xwēš ruwān bē-dahēnd.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Pahlavi Translation of the Avesta: Videvdad 19.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 24.3.2021. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.