Part No. 10
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Chapter: X 

Verse: 780    Giuuitun im thô eft an [Galilealand]   Ioseph endi Maria,
Verse: 781    
hêlag hîuuiski   heƀencuninges,
Verse: 782    
uuârun im an Nazarethburg.   Thar the neriondio Krist
Verse: 783    
uuôhs undar them uuerode,   [uuarð] giuuitties ful,
Verse: 784    
an uuas imu anst godes,   he uuas allun liof
Verse: 785    
môdarmâgun:   he ni uuas ôðrun mannun [gilîc],
Verse: 786    
[the] gumo an sînera gôdi.   Thô he [gêrtalo]
Verse: 787    
tuueliƀi habde,   thô uuarð thiu tîd cuman,
Verse: 788    
that [sie] thar te Hierusalem,   Iuðeo    liudi
Verse: 789    
iro thiodgode   thionon scoldun,
Verse: 790    
uuirkean is uuilleon.   Thô uuarð thar an thana uuîh innan
Verse: 791    
thar te Hierusalem   Iudeono gisamnod
Verse: 792    
mancraft mikil.   Thar Maria uuas
Verse: 793    
self an gisîðea   endi iru sunu habda,
Verse: 794    
godes [êgan] barn.   Thô sie that geld habdun,
Verse: 795    
[erlos an them alaha],   [sô] [it] [an] [iro êuua gibôd],
Verse: 796    
gilêstid te iro landuuîsun,   thô fôrun im eft thie liudi thanan,
Verse: 797    
uueros an iro uuillion   endi thar an them uuîha afstôd
Verse: 798    
mahtig barn godes,    ina thiu môdar thar
Verse: 799    
ni uuissa te uuâron;   ac siu uuânda that he mid them uueroda forð,
Verse: 800    
fôri mit iro friundun.   Gifrang aftar thiu
Verse: 801    
eft [an] ôðrun daga   aðalcunnies uuîf,
Verse: 802    
sâlig thiorna,   that he undar them gisîðia ni uuas.

Verse: 803    
Uuarð Mariun thô   môd an sorgun,
Verse: 804    
hriuuig umbi iro herta,   thô siu that hêlaga barn
Verse: 805    
ni fand undar them folca:   filu [gornoda]
Verse: 806    
thiu godes thiorna.   Giuuitun im thô eft te Hierusalem
Verse: 807    
iro sunu sôkean,   fundun ina sittean thar
Verse: 808    
an them uuîha innan,   thar the [uuîsa] man,
Verse: 809    
suuîðo glauuua gumon   [an] godes êuua
Verse: 810    
lâsun ende lînodun,   huô sie lof scoldin
Verse: 811    
uuirkean mid iro uuordun   them, the thesa uuerold giscôp.

Verse: 812    
Thar sat undar middiun   mahtig barn godes,
Verse: 813    
Krist alouualdo,    is thea ni mahtun antkennian uuiht,
Verse: 814    
the thes [uuîhes] thar   uuardon scoldun,
Verse: 815    
endi frâgoda sie   [firiuuitlîco]
Verse: 816    
uuîsera uuordo.   Sie uundradun alle,
Verse: 817    
[buhuuî] gio kindisc man   sulica quidi [mahti]
Verse: 818    
[mid] [is] [mûðu] [gimênean].   Thar ina thiu môdar fand
Verse: 819    
sittean under them [gisîðea]   endi iro sunu [grôtta],
Verse: 820    
uuîsan undar them uueroda,   sprac [im] [mid] ira uuordun [tô]:
Verse: 821    
"huuî uueldes thu thînera môdar,   manno lioƀosto,
Verse: 822    
gisidon [sulica] [sorga],   that ic thi     sêragmôd,
Verse: 823    
idis armhugdig   êscon scolda
Verse: 824    
undar thesun burgliudiun?"   Thô sprac iru eft that barn angegin
Verse: 825    
uuîsun uuordun:   "huuat, thu uuêst garo", [quað he],
Verse: 826    
"that ic thar girîsu,   thar ic bi rehton scal
Verse: 827    
uuonon an uuilleon,   thar giuuald haƀad
Verse: 828    
mîn mahtig fader."   Thie man ni forstôdun,
Verse: 829    
thie uueros an them uuîha,   bihuuî he that uuord gisprac,
Verse: 830    
gimênda mid is mûðu:   Maria al biheld,
Verse: 831    
[gibarg] an ira breostun,    huuat siu gihôrda ira barn sprecan
Verse: 832    
uuisaro uuordo.   Giuuitun im thô eft [thanan]
Verse: 833    
fon Hierusalem   Ioseph endi Maria,
Verse: 834    
habdun im te gisîðea   sunu drohtines,
Verse: 835    
allaro barno [bezta],   thero the io [giboran] uurði
Verse: 836    
magu fon môdar:   habdun im thar minnea
Verse: 837    
thurh [hluttran] hugi,   endi he gihôrig uuas,
Verse: 838    
godes êgan barn   gadulingmâgun
Verse: 839    
thurh is ôdmôdi,   aldron sînun:
Verse: 840    
ni uuelda an is kindiski thô noh   is craft mikil
Verse: 841    
mannun mârean,   that he sulic megin êhta,
Verse: 842    
giuuald an thesaro uueroldi,   ac he im an is uuilleon bêd
Verse: 843    
githiudo undar thero thiodu   thrîtig gêro,
Verse: 844    
êr than he thar têcan ênig   tôgean uueldi,
Verse: 845    
seggean them gisîðea,   that he selƀo uuas
Verse: 846    
an thesaro middilgard   manno drohtin.

Verse: 847    
Habda [im] [bihalden]   hêlag barn godes
Verse: 848    
uuord endi uuîsdôm   ende allaro giuuitteo mêst,
Verse: 849    
tulgo spâhan hugi:   ni mahta [man is] an is sprâcun uuerðan,
Verse: 850    
an is uuordun [giuuar],   that he sulic giuuit êhta,
Verse: 851    
[thegan] sulica githâhti,   ac he im githiudo bêd
Verse: 852    
torhtaro têcno.   Ni uuas noh than thiu tîd cuman,
Verse: 853    
that he ina oƀar thesan middilgard   mârean scolda,
Verse: 854    
lêrian thie liudi,   huuô sie [scoldin] iro gilôƀon haldan,
Verse: 855    
uuirkean uuilleon godes.   Uuissun that thoh managa
Verse: 856    
liudi aftar them landa,      that he uuas an thit lioht cuman,
Verse: 857    
thoh sie ina cûðlîco   ankennian ni mahtin,
Verse: 858    
êr than he ina selƀo   seggean uuelda.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Heliand.

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