Heliand-Fragment S
Part No. 2
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Manuscript Page: 1v  

Manuscript Line: 1     menn giſproken heddun Verse: 376  thurh huilik ađmo
Manuscript Line: 2     
di he thit erđriki herod Verse: 377  thurh iſ ſelueſ craht
Manuscript Line: 3     
ſokian uuelde Verse: 378  monegera mundboro Tha
Manuscript Line: 4     
ine thiu moder nam Verse: 379  biuuand ina mid uua
Manuscript Line: 5     
die uuiuo ſconioſt Verse: 380  fagarian frahtun endi ina
Manuscript Line: 6     
mid ire folmun tuem Verse: 381  legde leoƀlico luttilna
Manuscript Line: 7     
mann · Verse: 382  that kind an ene kribbian thah he
Manuscript Line: 8     
heddi creht godeſ Verse: 383  manno drohtin · Thar ſat
Manuscript Line: 9     
thiu moder biforan Verse: 384  uuif uuacogeandi uuar

doda ſelƀo,
Verse: 385    
held that helaga barn: ni uuaſ ira hugi tuuifli,
Verse: 386    
thera magađ ira modſeƀo. Tho uuarđ that managun cûđ
Verse: 387    
oƀar theſa uuidon uuerold, uuardoſ antfundun,
Verse: 388    
thea thar ehuſcalcoſ ûta uuarun,
Verse: 389    
uueroſ an uuahtu, uuiggeo gomean,
Verse: 390    
fehaſ aftar felde giſahun finiſtri an tuue
Verse: 391    
telatan an lufte, endi quam lioht godeſ
Verse: 392    
uuanum thurh thiu uuolcan endi thea uuardoſ thar
Verse: 393    
bifeng an them fel

Manuscript Line: 19     
de · Sie uurdun an forhtun tho Verse: 394  the menn
Manuscript Line: 20     
an ira mode · giſeun thar mahtigne Verse: 395  godeſ
Manuscript Line: 21     
engil cuman the im tigene ſprak Verse: 396  het that
Manuscript Line: 22     
im the uuardaſ uuiht ni andredin Verse: 397  leđeſ
Manuscript Line: 23     
fon themu liohte · ek ſcal iu lioƀara thing
Manuscript Line: 24   Verse: 398    
tulgo uuarlica uuillian ſeggian Verse: 399  kuđian
Manuscript Line: 25     
craht mikil · Nu iſ criſt giboren Verse: 400  an theſſer

u ſelƀun naht ſalig barn godeſ
Verse: 401    
an thera dauideſ burg drohtin the godo.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Heliand-Fragment S.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 15.10.2021. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.