Fenne, Manual
Part No. 251
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Page: 275 
Line: 1    Nietli vtebe inich westi fftaili al ffiavi
Line: 2       
Heffstu key˜ne ander ty˜dunge hey˜nlich
Line: 3       
oder apenbahr.
Line: 4    
Prauo opritzich vesti inich niet
Line: 5       
Wahrlich ich hebbe sunderliches key˜ne
Line: 6       
Line: 7    
Potzto ty˜ sudi pry˜echall.
Line: 8       
Worumb bistu hirgekamen.
Line: 9    
Stovarum ia sudi pry˜echall.
Line: 10       
My˜tt wahre by˜n ich hy˜rgekamen,
Line: 11    
Stovarumli ty˜ sy˜m pry˜echall.
Line: 12       
Bistu my˜tt wahre hy˜rgekamen.
Line: 13    
Kakov tovar ty˜ sy˜m privösll.
Line: 14       
Waterley˜ wahr heffstu hy˜r gebrachtt.
Line: 15    
Vmenæ iest dobri dobra tovar prodasž˜ni, da iestzo
Line: 16    
iestze na dorogo, ia tzeiu safftro
Line: 17    
all posafftro budet tovar sdies.
Line: 18       
Ich hebbe vthermahten gude wahr thokope
Line: 19       
vnd se is noch nicht gekamen, se is noch vp dem
Line: 20       
wege ich hape morgen oder auermorgen
Line: 21       
werdtt de wahre hir sy˜n.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Fenne, Manual.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 9.8.2010. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.