Fenne, Manual
Part No. 300
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Page: 324 
Line: 1    Skolko berkovitz privedetze tovar ffsich: ffsowo.
Line: 2       
Wo vehle belopt sich schippundt beloptt sich
Line: 3       
de wahre in alles.
Line: 4    
Tovar ffsich. Privedetze sotiri berkoffka da
Line: 5    
sotiri puda lisznea da pæt funtoff.
Line: 6       
De wahre beloptt sich in alles 4 schipl_b:
Line: 7       
4 lißl_b: auer vnd 5 markl_b:
Line: 8    
Posalui druske svedais ty˜ takoff tovar uinich
Line: 9    
kuptzoff ty˜ menæ knim privedi da posobi
Line: 10    
mnie tovar vnich kupit, ia tebe ottovo
Line: 11    
dam mogoretz.
Line: 12       
Ich by˜dde dy˜ frundt eruarstu sodane
Line: 13       
wahre by˜ anderen kopluden, so bringk
Line: 14       
my˜ tho ehm, vnd help my˜ de wahre
Line: 15       
van ehm kopen, daruan wy˜ll ich dy˜
Line: 16       
beergeldt geuen.
Line: 17    
Ia tebe saklad dam kotora ffduoi: ffdueret sudi
Line: 18    
divia tebe verit mnie, koli vtebe saklad.
Line: 19       
Ich wy˜ll dy˜ ey˜n pandt geuen dat twemahl
Line: 20       
so gudt is du heffst my˜ lichtlich tho louen
Line: 21       
wen du ey˜n pandt heffst.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Fenne, Manual.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 9.8.2010. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.