Fenne, Manual
Part No. 459
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Page: 493 
Line: 1    Dai aspodi tebe letet y˜no kon ne nadob.
Line: 2       
Godt geue dattu mogest flegen so
Line: 3       
bedaruestu key˜n perdt.
Line: 4    
Bies tebe dirsi na nogi koli na nebo lesis.
Line: 5       
De duuell holdt dy˜ by˜ den vöhten
Line: 6       
wen du tho hem(m)ell wildt.
Line: 7    
Pega pöstra bies poiechal na tzorna kosoli
Line: 8    
Line: 9       
Ey˜n sprinkend bundt duuell reht
Line: 10       
vp ey˜nem swarten tzegenbuck in de helle.
Line: 11    
Ia vidal dosul bies vy˜ovo buil duenatzet roki
Line: 12    
na golova.
Line: 13       
Ich sach in ehrty˜den den duuell vp
Line: 14       
sy˜nem houede 12 horner.
Line: 15    
Ssuoium salvange ia ffzeras möd iel, liszi
Line: 16    
mnie gusna to slasna.
Line: 17       
My˜t my˜nem orloff ich adt gistern
Line: 18       
honnich licke du my˜ den arß.
Line: 19       
datt sohte.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Fenne, Manual.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 9.8.2010. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.