Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien

Ogam-Inschrift: CIIC-Nr. 054

Ogam Inscription: CIIC no. 054

Original location: Killaloe

County: Clare

Surroundings: Cathedral enclosure

Year of discovery: 0

Actual location: =


Fig. 054, 001 Fig. 054, 002 Fig. 054, 003 Fig. 054, 004 Fig. 054, 005 Fig. 054, 006 Fig. 054, w01 Fig. 054, w02

Actual reading:

Latin Transcription: BEýANDACHT [ ] | (T)[O](R)[OQ](R)[

Ogam Transcription: >çõêéìâîìëí[ ] | (é)[ã](òñ)[ãêé](òñ)[

Ogam Transliteration: >çõçççççëëâëëëëæëæëëë[ ] | (ççç)[ââ](ïï)ïïï[ââççççç]ïïïï(ï)[

Interpretation: BEýANDACHT [AR] | TOROQR[IM

Direction of reading: fu-fu

Other readings, history, comments etc.:

Location and history:

According to Macalister, CIIC, the stone was "discovered in 1916, built into the wall surrounding the cathedral enclosure"; in his time, it was "set up on a supporting stone inside the building". This is "the stem of a cross, of which the upper part is lost".

This is the only "bilingual" inscription in Runic Norse and Ogham Middle Irish known so far.

Size according to Macalister, CIIC: 2'11" x 1'6" x 8"

Runic inscription:

Reading Macalister, PRIA 38, 1929, 236:


Reading Macalister, CIIC:

"Thorgrim carved this cross".

Reading Gippert (1978 / 1981):

Of 1È and 2K, only small parts are recognizable. M is written with only one stroke to the right.

Ogham inscription:

Reading Macalister, PRIA 38, 1929, 236:


Reading Macalister, CIIC:


Reading Gippert (1978 / 1981):

Surface, central stem line, "down" || lower stem line, "down" (?):
BEýANDACHT [ ] || (T)[O](R)[OQ](R)[
çõêéìâîìëí[ ] || (é)[ã](òñ)[ãêé](òñ)[
çõçççççëëâëëëëæëæëëë[ ] || (ççç[ââ](ïï)ïïï[ââççççç]ïïïï[ï
*çõêéìâîìëí[âòñ] | íãòñãîíòñ[åäï]
*çõçççççëëâëëëëæëæëëë[æâïïïïï] | ëëëââïïïïïââëëëëëïïïïï[âââââï]

The interpretation of the second part depends on what the stem line is: If the engraver used the frame engraved in the surface for this purpose, he must have inverted the two H-letters, T and Q as the photograph shows. Macalister's drawing in the CIIC is misleading in this point. Reading in the other direction, we would arrive at (R)QOROT. The central O is written with bent strokes, thus strongly reminding of the forfid õ; we would have to read EýA in this case.

Additional literature:

Macalister, PRIA 33, 1917, 493.

Last changes of this record: 26.04.97

Copyright Jost Gippert, Frankfurt a/M 1996. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.