Book: Heliand 

Fragment P

On the basis of the edition by Burkhard Taeger in
Faksimile und Kommentar zum Berliner 'Heliand'-Fragment (Fragm. P)
um oder nach 850
beiseitig beschriebenes Pergamentblatt,
Verse 958b - 1006a,
Bibliothek des Deutschen Historischen Museums, Berlin,
Sign. R 56/2537:
Berliner 'Heliand'-Fragment (Fragm. P)
als Faksimile herausgegeben
vom Deutschen Historischen Museum,
Transkription, Übersetzung, Kommentar: Burkhard Taeger,
Berlin 2007 ()

TITUS version by Jost Gippert,
Frankfurt a/M, 26.8.2009 / 6.11.2010

Chapter: XII 

Manuscript Page: Pr  

Manuscript Line: 1   Verse: 958    uuili hluttro giloƀon · Verse: 959  Leſtean iſ lera thuo niuua(:)
Manuscript Line: 2     
lang a:::: (:::: Verse: 960  ::)at im fan g(::::::) giu::: g::::
Manuscript Line: 3     
egan barn · Verse: 961  Diorlic drohtinaſ ſuno dope ſuokean ·
Manuscript Line: 4   Verse: 962 
Uuaſ im thuo an iſ uuaſtma uualdandaſ barn · Verse: 963  All
Manuscript Line: 5     
ſo hie miđ thero thiodo thritig habdi · Verse: 964  Uuintro an
Manuscript Line: 6     
iſ uueroldi thuo hie an iſ uuillean qua(m) · Verse: 965  Thar
Manuscript Line: 7     
giohanneſ an giordana ſtroma · Verse: 966  Allan langana
Manuscript Line: 8     
dag liodi managa · Verse: 967  Dopta diorlico · reht ſo hie thu
Manuscript Line: 9     
iſ drohtin giſah · Verse: 968  Holdan herran ſo uuarđ im
Manuscript Line: 10     
iſ hugi bliđi · Verse: 969  Theſ im thie uuilleo giſtuod endi
Manuscript Line: 11     
ſprak im thuo mid iſ uuordun tuo · Verse: 971  Nu cumiſ :h: t: ::::
Manuscript Line: 12     
ro dopi droh::: fro min Verse: 972  Thiod gumo:: :::::
Manuscript Line: 13     
ſo ſcolda ik te thinaro duan · Verse: 973  H:::d thu biſt allaro
Manuscript Line: 14     
kun:ngo cra_t:::: criſt ſelƀ ::::: Verse: 974  U:::dan:
Manuscript Line: 15     
:::rlico tha: ::: :::::::: ::::: :::::: :::: :::
Manuscript Line: 16   Verse: 975 
Uuueſ: thu that uſ ſo giriſiđ quađ hie allaro rehto
Manuscript Line: 17     
gehuilic · Verse: 976  tegifulleanna   forđuuardaſ nu · Verse: 977  An
Manuscript Line: 18     
godaſ uuillean giohanneſ ſtuod · Verse: 978  Dopt: alla: d::
Manuscript Line: 19     
druht folc mikil · Verse: 979  Uuerod an uuatar: :nd: :k
Manuscript Line: 20     
uualdand criſt · Verse: 980  Herran heƀankuning handun
Manuscript Line: 21     
ſinum Verse: 981  An allaro bađo them beztom ::di im
Manuscript Line: 22     
thar te beda gihneg · Verse: 982  An knio kraftag criſt
Manuscript Line: 22     
::: giuuet · Verse: 983  Fagar fan them fluod: friđ:

Manuscript Page: Pv  

Manuscript Line: 1     
barn godaſ · Verse: 984  Liof liodio uuard ſo hie thuo that
Manuscript Line: 2     
land afſtuop Verse: 985  (S: ::::::d)un thu(: ::::)laſ doru
Manuscript Line: 3     
endi qua(m) thie helago geſt · Verse: 986  Fon them alouualdon
Manuscript Line: 4     
oƀana te criſta · Verse: 987  Uuaſ im an gelicneſſia lungraſ gitalaſ
Manuscript Line: 5     
fuglaſ · Verse: 988  Diurlicaro doƀon endi ſat im uppan uſaſ
Manuscript Line: 6     
drohtinaſ ahſlon Verse: 989  Uuuonoda im oƀor them uualdan
Manuscript Line: 7     
daſ barna aftar qua(m) thar uuord fan himila · Verse: 990  Hlud fan
Manuscript Line: 8     
them hohom radura endi gruotta thana heland ſelƀan
Manuscript Line: 9   Verse: 991 
Criſta allaro kuningo bezton quađ that hie ina gicoranan ·
Manuscript Line: 10     
habdi · Verse: 992  Selƀo fan ſinum rikea quađ that im thie ſuno
Manuscript Line: 11     
licodi · Verse: 993  Bez: allaro giborenaro manno quađ that
Manuscript Line: 12     
he im uuari allaro barno lioboſt · Verse: 994  That muoſta giohann(e)ſ
Manuscript Line: 13     
thuo all ſo it god uuelda · Verse: 995  Giſehan endi gihorian hie
Manuscript Line: 14     
gideda it ſan aftar thiu · Verse: 996  Mannom gimarid that ſia
Manuscript Line: 15     
thar mahtigna · Verse: 997  Herron habdun thitt iſ quađ hie
Manuscript Line: 16     
heƀan kuningaſ ſuno · Verse: 998  En alouualdand theſaſ uuilleo
Manuscript Line: 17     
ik urkundeo · Verse: 999  Uueſan an theſaro uueroldi uuand it
Manuscript Line: 18     
ſagdami uuord godaſ · Verse: 1000  Drohtinaſ ſtemna thuo hie
Manuscript Line: 19     
mi dopean hiet · Verse: 1001  Uueroſ an uuatara ſohuar ſo ik giſauue
Manuscript Line: 20     
uuarlico · Verse: 1002  Thana helagon geſt fan heƀanuuanga ·
Manuscript Line: 21   Verse: 1003 
An theſaro middilgard enigan mann uuaron ·
Manuscript Line: 22   Verse: 1004 
Cuman miđ craftu that quađ that ſcoldi criſt uueſan ·
Manuscript Line: 23   Verse: 1005 
Diorlic drohtinaſ ſuno hie dopean ſcal · Verse: 1006  An thana

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