Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
6th International Conference about the Use of Computers
in Historical and Comparative Linguistics
Frankfurt a.M., 21.24. October 1997
NB: The 7th International Conference about the Use of Computers
in Historical and Comparative Linguistics
will take place in
Prague, 9.11. October 1998
For details click here. Conference Minutes
Tuesday, October 21, 1997
- 10:00 Begrüßung / Welcoming and introduction / Bienvenida e Introducción
- 10:30 Thomas Milo 1: Support for authentic Arabic, part 1: Backgrounds
-- Kaffeepause / Café / Coffee --
- 11:30 Thomas Milo 2: Support for authentic Arabic, part 2: Technical and Aestethic challenges
- 12:15 Josef Wallmannsberger -- Corpora travelling on a shoestring: The Ťarte poverať of CD-Romance
-- Mittagspause / Almuerzo / Lunch --
- 14:30 Eva Maria Lill -- The future user of a dictionary - will he be better informed than ever? The use of machine readable full texts and electronic facsimiles in the making of the 'Deutsches Rechtswörterbuch'
- 15:00 Klaus Bürger -- Flexionsmorphologie der deutschen Verben der Gegenwartssprache. Entwicklung einer Datenbank im Rahmen der Natürlichkeitstheorie.
-- Kaffeepause / Café / Coffee --
- 16:00 Petr Zemánek -- Bigrams Based Analysis of Non-Vocalized Texts: The Case of Arabic.
- 16:30 Cirilo García Román -- La elaboración electrónica de índices y concordancias de textos bilingües: soluciones prácticas a problemas técnicos.
- 17:30-18:30 Workshop: Preparation of electronic education materials in Comparative and Historical Linguistics; TITUS-Bibliographia etc.
Wednesday, October 22
- 10:00 Daniel Riaño Rufilanchas -- Análisis y etiquetado sintáctico del corpus de los textos clásicos. Perspectivas y modelos.
- 10:30 Eva Vallines (José Antonio Berenguer Sánchez) -- Greek Lexicography & Indoeuropean Lexicography and Internet
-- Kaffeepause / Café / Coffee --
- 11:30 Arash Zeini -- Ein Digitales Iranisches Wörterbuch
- 12:00 José M. Galán -- Northwest Semitic Philological Data Bank
- Ein römisches Kastell am Limes: die Saalburg / Una guarnición romana en el limes: Saalburg
- Abendessen im Hirschgarten.
Thursday, October 23
10:00 István S. Bátori & Marianne Bakró-Nagy -- Accessing the Uralic Etymological Word Stock in a DB 10:30 Hansje Braam -- CALC Project (Central Asian Languages Corpora)
-- Kaffeepause / Café / Coffee --11:30 Makasa Kasonde -- Computers and Didactics: Preparation and Dissemination of Teaching Materials: The Case of Comparative Bantu. 12:00 Harald Vajkonny -- From text to dictionary: Computer-aided research on minority languages
-- Mittagspause / Almuerzo / Lunch --
14:30 Bernhard Schroeder -- Testen von Regelhypothesen mit logikbasierten Methoden 15:00 Jost Gippert -- Multilingual Text Retrieval: Requirements and Solutions.
15:30-17:30 Workshop "10 Years of TITUS": Full text retrieval -- WordCruncher. Materials: The TITUS text data base Digitization of Turfan Manuscripts Indoiranistisches Text-Retrieval 17:30-18:30 Carl-Martin Bunz -- TITUS evangelism -- how to promote a non-profit project
Friday, October 24
10:00 Johann Tischler -- Dresdner Aktivitäten. Bericht über laufende Projekte.
10:30 Fco. Javier Martínez García -- Elektronische Texte in Zitat.
-- Kaffeepause / Café / Coffee --11:30 Petr Vavrouek -- Digitalisierung von Keilschrifttafeln
12:00 Lana Vyvenko -- Vernetzungsarten in einem etymologischen Hypernetz
-- Mittagspause / Almuerzo / Lunch --
14:30 Carl-Martin Bunz -- UNICODE and Historical Linguistics
15:00-17:30 Workshop: UNICODE Materials: Unicode, Ancient Languages and the WWW Encoding before and after Unicode: The case of Ethiopic and Amharic Browsing the Memory of The World
Sponsors: Hessisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst; Frankfurter Sparkasse von 1822; BHF-Bank Frankfurt; Helaba Frankfurt; Compaq Frankfurt; We are grateful for their support!
Our thanks are due to Michael Glünz, Zürich, and Peter Olivier, Frankfurt, for providing the pictures included in this page!
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© Copyright 1997, Institut für Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt