Bactrian Corpus (NSW)
Part No. 124
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Text: zc 

Line: 1               ]• π•ρ̣[ ]
Line: 2             
Line: 3             
Line: 4             
]ο ιειμ[ο ]
Line: 5             
]ο̣̅μ̅α̅ρ̅γο[ ]
Line: 6             
]το ι̣* ϕ[ ]
Line: 7             
]χ̣ο ζιρ̣ζ̣[ ]
Line: 8             
]ο α̣σο ••[ ]
Line: 9             
]ω̣ζδαν[ ]

Verso: traces only


Line: na    
Uncertain. ^

Next part

This text is part of the TITUS edition of Bactrian Corpus (NSW).

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 4.12.2010. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.