Fenne, Manual
Part No. 250
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Page: 274 
Line: 1    Ttzelom druschae, sdarauo siedsi: kak
Line: 2    
tebe bog miluit.
Line: 3       
Geluche tho frundtt, wo hefft idt dy˜ vp
Line: 4       
der rey˜se gegahen, wo hefft sich gott
Line: 5       
dy˜ner erbarmedtt.
Line: 6  *   
Sdarauo, bog dal poisdarauo golova š˜iuæ.
Line: 7       
All woll, gott hefft gesundtthey˜tt
Line: 8       
vorlendtt datt houedtt is gesundtt.
Line: 9    
Otkul ty˜ pry˜echal.
Line: 10       
Wor bistu her gekamen.
Line: 11    
Ia pry˜echall snovagrada.
Line: 12       
Ich sy˜ van Nougarden gekomen.
Line: 13    
Daffno ty˜ snovagrada poy˜echall.
Line: 14       
idt lange dattu van Nougarden rey˜sedest.
Line: 15    
Ne daffno, trety˜ogodne.
Line: 16       
Nichtt lange ergistern.
Line: 17    
Tzto sa novi vesti ty˜ prives.
Line: 18       
Watt by˜ngestu vor ny˜e ty˜dunge.
Line: 19    
Vmena fftzo dobri vesti, dal bog vnas fftzo
Line: 20    
ticho da dobro.
Line: 21       
Ich hebbe alle gude ty˜dinge gott hefft idt
Line: 22       
my˜tt vns all still vnd gudtt vorlehendtt.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Fenne, Manual.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 9.8.2010. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.