This is one of two stones discovered in a souterrain by J.J. O'Crowley, Clonakilty (thus according to Macalister, CIIC; according to Macalister, Epig., he was from Youghal).
Macalister (CIIC) "heard rumours of its destruction"; by 1981, however, the souterrain was still intact. Only one of the two stones was accessible at that time; no. {74} would have to be dug up. Both stones served as supporting posts for the roof of the entrance hall of the souterrain; no. {73} was still standing upright in 1981.
Published illustrations:
- Macalister, Epig. 3,63 (sketch of inscription);
- Macalister, CIIC 77 (sketch of inscription).
The name is identifiable with Domhaingen from the martyrologies.
The ending as presumed earlier is not commented upon.
The inscription is from a very late date, not before second half of 6th century because of apocopy, syncopy and the lowering of -u- before -a- in the following syllable. Like this, it is different from no. {233} with DOMNGINN, and we have to assume a nom. here: *Dumnagenas, without lowering!
Reading Gippert (1981):
Angle up:
The reading is quite certain although the stone is hard to access. There seems indeed a fifth vowel notch to be present
just below a larger fracture so that I can be assumed instead of Macalister's E.
Additional literature:
- JRSAI 36, 1906, 204: J.J. O'Crowley.
Last changes of this record: 26.04.97
Copyright Jost Gippert, Frankfurt a/M 1996. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.