Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien

Ogam-Inschrift: CIIC-Nr. 095

Ogam Inscription: CIIC no. 095

Original location: Ballyknock

County: Cork

Surroundings: Castle Farm

Year of discovery: 0

Actual location: Cork, U.C.


Fig. 095, 001 Fig. 095, 002 Fig. 095, w01

Actual reading:

Latin Transcription: ANM MEDDOGEN(I)

Ogam Transcription: âêéïæïåãììãðåãêé(åä)

Ogam Transliteration: âçççççïæïââââëëæëëââïïââââççççç(âââââ)

Direction of reading: du

Other readings, history, comments etc.:

Location and history:

For the history cf. nos. {82} and {83}. - This stone is assigned no. 12 in the collection of the Cork U.C.

Size according to Macalister, CIIC: 3'6" x 1'8" x 0'4 1/2".

Published illustrations:
Macalister, CIIC 1, 92 (draft).

Reading Macalister, CIIC:

"Reading certain".

Interpretation Korolev, DP, 69:

"The reading is trustworthy." Because of ANM and -U- > -O- this inscription must be comparatively late.

Reading Gippert (1981):

Dexter angle up:
As against Macalister's draft and reading, there seems to be a second N at the end of the name.

Last changes of this record: 26.04.97

Copyright Jost Gippert, Frankfurt a/M 1996. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.