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Dr. Sebastian Drude Research Assistant / Dilthey Fellow (Comparative Linguistics / Goethe-University Frankfurt) Visiting Researcher (Museu Goeldi)
Lingüística, CCH
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Zur deutschen Version. |
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Extensive Curriculum of the Brazilian national System "CV Lattes" (Portuguese and partly Englisch). |
Curriculum vitae |
1967 | Born in Hannover, Lower Saxony (Germany) |
1987–88 | Social work in Brazil |
1988–97 | Studied General and German Linguistics and Anthropology of the Americas (Altamerikanistik) at the Freie Universität Berlin |
1994–95 | Studied at UniCamp (Universidade Estadual de Campinas), São Paulo, Brazil |
1997 | M.A. at Freie Universität Berlin ("An Integrational interpretation of dictionaries; example: Guaraní") |
1997–99 | Visiting Researcher at Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Belém, Brazil (DAAD grant) |
2000–06 | Research and teaching assistant in linguistics at the Freie Universität Berlin |
2002 | Ph.D. at Freie Universität Berlin ("Interpretation of Dictionaries: Towards an Integrative Lexicography, with Guaraní as an example") |
since 2006 | Visiting researcher at the Museu Goeldi, Belém, Pará, Brazil |
since 2008 | Research assistant, Linguistics, Goethe-University Frankfurt (Dilthey Fellow, Initiative Pro-Humanities) |
Main fields of activity |
• | Description of a poorly described language (Awetí) |
• | Endangered languages and language documentation |
• | Work in and on Integrational Linguistics |
• | Practical help for indigenous documentation, language maintenance and scool programs in the Xingu Park and elswhere |
• | Historical-comparative research on the Tupi family |
Current research |
• | A comprehensive digital grammar and dictionary of Awetí with multi-media illustrative material |
• | Fieldwork among the Awetí, documentation and description of their language |
• | The lexicon in language documentation (technical and theoretical aspects) |
Research Projects (selected) |
(Projects in which S. Drude is the Principal Investigator are in bold.) |
1991–96 | "Lehrmaterialien für Deutsche Guaraní-Lerner" ("Didactic material for the study of Guaraní for Germans"). Researcher. Lateinamerika-Institut at the Freie Universität Berlin. Director: Marcelo Larricq. Without funding. Discontinued due to other obligations of the participants. Activities: Work on a Dictionnary Guaraní-German, development of a lexicographical database (Word Perfect, Shoebox, LaTeX). |
1997–99 | "Research on a Brazilian indigenous language". Research grant. At the Museu Goeldi, Belém. Funded with a grant by the DAAD (German Service for Academic Interchange). Successfully concluded. Activities: Start of the research on the Awetí language – two field stays, taping and processing of video and audio recordings, elicitation work. |
2001–05 | "Awetí Language Documentation Project". Principal Investigator. General Linguistics at the Freie Universität Berlin. Director: Prof. Dr. Hans-Heinrich Lieb. Part of the DOBES Program "Dokumentation Bedrohter Sprachen" (Documentation of Endangered Languages) funded by the Volkswagenstiftung. Concluded. Activities: Documentation of the Awetí Language – Field work and work with Awetí speakers, audio and video recodings and edition, elicitation, linguistic Annotation, implementation and administration of a digital multi-media database, instruction of speakers and other participants, administrative work. |
2000–05 | "Tupi Comparative Project". Participant researcher. Linguistics at the Museu Goeldi. Director: Dr. Denny Moore. Funded by the CNPq (Brazilian research council). Is being continued without specific funding. Activities: Compartative research on Awetí and other Tupian languages. Implementation and maintenance of comparative word list databases (Shoebox/Toolbox, Excell). |
2007 | "Padrões dos Acervos Lingüísticos do Museu (PALIM)" ("Standards of the language archive of the museum"). Principle Investigator. Applicant: Dr. Ana Vilacy Galúcio. Funded by the CNPq (Brazilian research council) and the SEDECT (cience administration of the Pará state). Is being continued without specific funding. Activities: Working out of a basic structure, standards and methodologies for the implementation of a linguistic digital archive at the Museu Goeldi. Work on a WEB-Site (WIKI). |
2006–08 | "Evidências lingüísticas para o entendimento de uma sociedade multilíngüe: o Alto Xingu" ("Linguistic evidence for the understanding of a multilingual society: the Upper Xingu (Edital universal 2006)"). Participant researcher. Director: Dr. Bruna Franchetto. Funded by the CNPq (Brazilian research council) via its "Edital Universal". Concluded, follow-up projects are in preparation. Activities: Responsible for the implementation and maintenance of comparative databases. Comparative research on Awetí with respect to socio-linguistic and historical-comparative questions. |
since 2007 | "Construção de um acervo digital para Línguas Amazônicas" ("Building a digital archive for Amazonian Languages"). Participant researcher. Director: Dr. Ana Vilacy Galúcio. Activities: responsible for the acquisition, installation and configuration of a Language Archiving Technology Server at the Museu Goeldi in Belém. Organization of the language archive of the Museu Goeldi and its transfer to the server and related activities (training, instruction). |
since 2008 | "Diskurs-basierte Multimedia-Sprachbeschreibung am Beispiel des Awetí" ("A natural discourse based multi-media grammar, with example of Awetí"). Dilthey-Fellowship (Initiative "Pro Humanities") art the comparative linguistics of the Goethe Universität Frankfurt under Prof. Dr. Jost Gippert, in cooperation with the Museu Goeldi and the Max-Planck-Institute Nijmegen. |
since 2008 | "Aché Language Documentation Project". Co-applicant and advisor with Prof. Dr. Jost Gippert. Researchers: Eva-Maria Rößler, Jan-David Hauck, Christopher Warren. |
since 2009 | "CLARIN - Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure". Member of the International Advisory Boards. |
since 2009 | "RELISH - Rendering Endangered Languages Lexicons Interoperable Through Standards Harmonization". International cooperation of the Goethe Universität Frankfurt, the University Michigan and the Max-Planck-Institute Nijmegen, with funding by the DFG (Germany Research Society) and the NFS. Co-Applicant and advisor with Jost Gippert, on the German side. |
Memberships in scientific associations |
• | Association for Linguistic Typology (ALT) |
• | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (German Society for Linguistics, DGfS) |
• | Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas (SSILA) |
• | Gesellschaft für Bedrohte Sprachen (Society for Endangered Languages, GfBS), Germany |
• | GT Línguas Indígenas (working group "Indigenous Languages") of the Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Letras e Lingüística (National Association of Post-Graduates and research in philology and linguistics, ANPOLL), Brazil |
• | Forschungsverbund der Berlin-Brandenburger Lateinamerikaforschung (Association for research on Latin-America in Berlin and Brandenburg, ForLaBB) |
Further training, attended courses |
1993 | Language Description and Field Research ("Sprachbeschreibung und Feldforschung", DGfS Summerschool, 2 weeks, Kölln) |
1995 | Language Structures and Cognitive Processes ("Sprachstrukturen und Kognitive Prozesse", DGfS Summerschool, 2 weeks, Saarbrücken) |
2002 | Documentation of Endangered Languages ("Dokumentation Bedrohter Sprachen", DOBES Training, 1 week, Nijmegen) |
2004 | Language Documentation: Methods and Technology (DOBES Summerschool, 1 week, Frankfurt) |
2007 | Documentation of Indigenous and Minority Languages: What for, for whom, by whom? ("Documentação de Línguas Indígenas e de Línguas Minoritárias: Para Que, Para Quem, Por Quem?", Workshop by Bruna Franchetto, Summerschool of the ABRALIN, Belo Horizonte). |
2008 | Language Archiving Technology / ELAN / LEXUS (Advanced DOBES Trainingskurs, 2 days, Nijmegen) |
Works (selection) |
1999a | "O Kuarup dos Awetí 1998" ("The Kuarup festival of the Awetí"). Video, Hi8, 38 min. Belém, Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. | ||||||
2000 | (with H.-H. Lieb) Advanced Glossing. A language documentation format. (Unpublished DOBES working paper). [Available online at http://www.mpi.nl/DOBES/documents/Advanced-Glossing1.pdf] | ||||||
2001 | "Entschlüsselung einer unbekannten Indianersprache: ein Projekt zur Dokumentation der bedrohten brasilianischen Indianersprache Awetí" ("Deciphering an unknown indigenous language: A project to document the endangered brazilian indigenous language Awetí"). Fundiert. Wissenschaftsmagazin der Freien Universität Berlin. 2/2001. 112–121. [Available online at http://www.elfenbeinturm.net/archiv/2001/lust3.html]. | ||||||
2002a | "Fala Masculina e Feminina em Awetí" ("Male and female speech in Awetí"). In: Cabral, Ana Suelly A[rruda] C[âmara], und Aryon D[all'Igna] Rodrigues (eds.). Línguas Indígenas Brasileiras: Fonologia, Gramática e História (Atas do I Encontro Internacional do Grupo de Trabalho sobre Línguas Indígenas da ANPOLL). Belém, Pará: EDUFPA. Vol. 1. 177–190. | ||||||
2002b (ed.) | Awytyza Ti'ingku. Livro para alfabetização na língua aweti ("A primer for alphabetization in the Awetí language"). São Paulo: Instituto Sócio-Ambiental. [Co-editor]. | ||||||
2003a | "Advanced Glossing — a language documentation format and its implementation with Shoebox". In: Proceedings of the LREC-Workshop in May 2002, Las Palmas: W1: International Workshop on Resources and Tools in Field Linguistics. [Available online at http://www.mpi.nl/lrec/2002/papers/lrec-pap-10-ag.pdf]. | ||||||
2003b | (with Peter Wittenburg and Wim Peters) "Analysis of lexical structures from field linguistics and language engineering". In: Proceedings of the LREC-Workshop in May 2002, Las Palmas: W1: International Workshop on Resources and Tools in Field Linguistics. [Available online at http://www.mpi.nl/lrec/2002/papers/lrec-pap-08-lexical-structures-talk-final.pdf]. | ||||||
2003c | "Digitizing and annotating texts and field recordings in the Awetí Project". Published online in the proceedings of the third EMELD conference on "Digitizing and Annotating Texts and Field Recordings", together with the LSA Institute, Michigan State University, Lansing, Juli 2003. [Available online at http://www.emeld.org/workshop/2003/paper-drude.html]. | ||||||
2004 | Wörterbuchinterpretation: Integrative Lexikographie am Beispiel des Guaraní. Tübingen, Niemeyer. (= Lexicographica, Series maior 120). [Also doct. diss., Freie Universität Berlin, 2002]. | ||||||
2005a | Contributions to Brockhaus. Die Enzyklopädie, 21st ed. Leipzig; Mannheim: Brockhaus.
2005b | "Lingüístas e Antropólogos Alemães na Amazônia Brasileira" ("German linguists and anthropologists in the Brazilian Amazon region"). In: José Jeronimo de Alencar Alves (ed.). Múltiplas Faces da História das Ciências na Amazônia. Belém: EDUFPA. Chap. 2.8. | ||||||
2006a | "On the position of the Awetí language in the Tupí family". In: Wolf Dietrich (eds.). Guaraní y 'Mawetí-Tupí-Guaraní': estudios históricos y descriptivos sobre una familia lingüística de América del Sur. Berlin, Münster etc.: Lit Verlag. 11–45. | ||||||
2006b | "A metodologia DOBES de documentação lingüística e o formato de anotação de textos" ("The DOBES-methodology of language documentatio and the format of text annotation"). Estúdios Lingüísticos 35 (Campinas). [Available online at http://www.gel.org.br/estudoslinguisticos/edicoesanteriores/4publica-estudos-2006/sistema06/sd.pdf]. | ||||||
2007 | "A Documentation of the Awetí Language and Aspects of the Awetí Culture". By Sebastian Drude (principal researcher), Sabine Reiter (researcher) und Hans-Heinrich Lieb (project director). With contribution of Waranaku Awetí, Awajatu Awetí, Yakumin Awetí, Tawyjat Awetí, Parawajru Awetí, Su Xiaoquin, Eva-Maria Rößler and others. 230 IMDI Sessions. DOBES-Projekt, 12/2000–3/2006. Awetí archive: http://corpus1.mpi.nl/ds/imdi_browser/?openpath=MPI1%23 > DoBeS Archive > Awetí. Project overview: http://www.mpi.nl/DOBES/projects/aweti. | ||||||
2008a | "Inflexional units and their effects: the case of Guaraní". In: Robin Sackmann (ed.). Studies in Integrational Linguistics 1. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins. S. 153–189. | ||||||
2008b | "Die Lexikographie der Personenpräfixe im Guaraní" ("The Lexicography of Guaraní person prefixes"). In Wolf Dietrich and Haralambos Symeonidis (eds.). Geschichte und Aktualität der Guaraní-Philologie in den deutschsprachigen Ländern. Akten der Guarani-Tagung in Kiel und Berlin 25.-27. Mai 2000, Berlin, Münster etc.: Lit Verlag. 198–234. | ||||||
2008c | "Tense, aspect and mood in Awetí verb paradigms: analytic and synthetic forms". In: David K. Harrison, David Rood und Arienne Dwyer (Hgg.). A world of many voices: lessons from endangered languages. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins. S. 67–110. | ||||||
2008d | (mit Frank Seifart, Bruna Franchetto, Lucia Golluscio et.al.) "Language Documentation and Archives in South America". In Language Documentation & Conservation (LD&C). Vol. 2. S. 130–140. [Online-Publikation: http://nflrc.hawaii.edu/ldc/June2008/] | ||||||
2009a | "Nasal harmony in Awetí and the Mawetí-Guarani family (Tupí)". In Amerindia (Paris). Vol. 32. 239–276. [Available online at http://celia.cnrs.fr/Fr/Amerindia.htm] | ||||||
2009b | "Nasal harmony in Awetí: A declarative account". In: ReVEL (Revista Virtual do Estudo da Linguagem. [Available online at http://www.revel.inf.br/] | ||||||
i.E. a | (with Waranaku Awetí and Awajatú Awetí) "A Ortografia da Língua Awetí" ("The orthography of the Awetí language"). In Revista de Estudos e Pesquisas (Fundação Nacional do Índio). | ||||||
i.E. b | "Converbs and Adverbial Modifiers: Gerund constructions in Awetí". In: Alexandra Aikhenvald und Pieter Muysken (Hgg.). Multi-verb constructions: a view from the Americas. Amsterdam: Brill. | ||||||
i.E. c | "Comparando línguas alto-xinguanas: Metodologia e bases de dados comparativos" ("Comparison of the language of the Upper Xingu: Methodology and comparatuve databases"). In: Bruna Franchetto (ed.). Alto Xingu. Uma Sociedade Multilíngüe. Rio de Janeiro: Museu Nacional (UFRJ). | ||||||
i.E. d | "Awetí in relation with Kamayurá: The two Tupian languages of the Upper Xingu". In: Bruna Franchetto (ed.). Alto Xingu. Uma Sociedade Multilíngüe. Rio de Janeiro: Museu Nacional (UFRJ). | ||||||
in.prep. a | "Nominalization and subordination in Awetí". In: Francesc Queixalós and Leo Wetzels (eds.). (Estrutura das línguas Amazônicas?). Amsterdam: Brill. | ||||||
in.prep. b | "Word accent and its manifestation in Awetí". In: Francesc Queixalós and Leo Wetzels (eds.). (Estrutura das línguas Amazônicas?). Amsterdam: Brill. | ||||||
in.prep. c | "Reduplication in Awetí". In: Hein van der Voort and Gale Gomes (Hgg.). (Reduplication in the Americas?). Amsterdam: Brill. |
Selected lectures & conference presentations |
(Invited talks are marked by an asterisk *) |
1998a* | "Linguistas e Antropólogos Alemães na Amazônia Brasileira". Alemães na Amazônia, lecture series organized by the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) and the Casa dos Estudos Germânicos at the Universidade Federal do Pará, November 26–27, 1998. |
1998b* | "Os Prefixos Pessoais do Guarani Paraguayo: Uma Abordagem Integracional". Paper presented at the lecture series on Bazil's indigenous languages at the Universidade Federal do Pará, December 2, 1998. |
2000* | "Die Lexikographie der Personenpräfixe im Guaraní". Colloquium Geschichte und Aktualität der Guaraní-Philologie in den deutschsprachigen Ländern, University of Kiel, May 25–27, 2000. |
2001* | "Bedrohte Sprachen im Internet: Ethische und juristische Fragen im Kontext von DOBES". Annual meeting of the Deutschen Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde (German Society for Anthropology), Working Group Visual Anthropology, Göttingen, October 7–10, 2001. |
2002* | "A documentação da língua Aweti (Tupi): Questões teóricas e metodológicas". Permanent lecture series on Bazil's indigenous languages, Universidade Federal do Pará, Belém, September 12, 2002. |
2003a* | "Dokumentation der Struktur bedrohter Sprachen: Glossierung von Texten" ("Documentation of the structure of endangered languages: Glossing of texts"). Ringvorlesung "Bedrohte Sprachen", Universität Bielefeld, February 3, 2003. |
2003b* | "Digitizing and Annotating Texts and Field Recordings in the Awetí Project". Third EMELD conference Digitizing and Annotating Texts and Field Recordings, together with the LSA Institute, Michigan State University, Lansing, July 11–13, 2003. |
2003c | (with Yakumin Awetí) "Zur aktuellen Situation der Awetí im Xingú-Gebiet, Mato Grosso, Brasilien". Lateinamerikainstitut, Freie Universität Berlin, November 18, 2003. |
2004a | "Tempus, Aspekt und Modus im Awetí". Series of three talks, Forum Integrative Sprachwissenschaft, Freie Universität Berlin, January 9/23/30, 2004. |
2004* | "A Imagem na Documentação Lingüística e Cultural: O Caso do Projeto de Documentação Aweti" ("The image in linguistic and cultural documentation: The case of the Awetí documentation project"). Workshop Imagem e Pesquisa, NAEA (Núcleo de Altos Estudos Amazônicos), Universidade Federal do Pará, Belém, October 27–29, 2004. |
2005a | (with Sérgio Meira) "La lengua Awetí y su posición en el tronco Tupí". Coloquio sobre la situación actual de los estudios tupí-guaraníes en Europa, Münster (Germany), February 27–28, 2005. |
2005b | "Tense, aspect and mood in Awetí verb paradigms: analytical and synthetic forms". DOBES Conference 2005: Progress in Endangered Language Research. Nijmegen, May 23–25, 2005. |
2005c* | "Documentação lingüística" ("Language documentation"). Key note, 53. Seminário do GEL (Grupo de Estúdios Lingüísticos do Estado de São Paulo), São Carlos, July 28–30, 2005. |
2005d | (with Sérgio Meira) "O 'Mawetí-Guaraní' e sua composição interna" ("The 'Mawetí-Guaraní branch and its internal composition'"). Simpósio Internacional sobre Lingüística Histórica na América do Sul, Belém, August 27 – September 2, 2005. |
2006 | "Nominale Prädikation oder Modus? -(t)u-Formen im Awetí". 28th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Linguistics (DGfS): Language documentation and language description, Bielefeld, February 22–24, 2006. (Workshop 2: Syntax und Morphologie mehrdimensional.) |
2007a* | "A Ameaça à Diversidade Lingüística e a Documentação como Resposta Mínima" ("The endangerment of language diversity and documentation as a minimal response"). Key note. 1 International Congress about Linguistic and Literary Studies in Amazonia. Belém, 29.–31. March 2007. |
2007b* | "Linguas Ameaçadas e o surgimento da documentação lingüística" ("Endangered languages and the development of language documentation"). 58. Annual meeting of the Brasilian Society for the Progress of Science (SBPC). Belém, 10.–13. July 2007. |
2007c | "Harmonia Nasal na subfamília 'Mawetí-Guaraní' da família Tupí" ("Nasal harmony in the 'Mawetí-Guaraní' branch of the Tupí family"). Estrutura das Línguas Amazônicas: Fonologia e Gramática, Manaus, 3.–7. December 2007./td> |
2008a* | (with Lucy Seki) "As línguas tupi do Alto Xingu: Kamaiurá e Awetí" ("The tupian language of the Upper Xingu: Awetí and Kamayurá"). Evidências lingüísticas para o entendimento de uma sociedade multilíngüe: o Alto Xingu (Linguistic evidence for the understanding of a multilingual society: The Upper Xingu). Rio de Janeiro, 19.–22. March 2008. |
2008b* | "Digital Language Archives of Minority and Endangered Languages". 8th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC). Marrakesh, 28.–31. May 2008. |
2008c* | "Sprachenvielfalt und Sprachbedrohung im Südamerikanischen Tiefland" ("Language diversity and language endangerment in the South American lowlands"). Institut for Romance Philology, Freie Universität Berlin, 7. July 2008. |
2008d | "Multi-verb constructions in Awetí". Workshop on Multi-verb constructions: a view from the Americas, Nimwegen, 20. October 2008. |
2008e | "Nominalização e Subordinação em Awetí". II Congresso Estrutura das Línguas Amazônicas: Fonologia e Gramática , Recife, 24.–27. November 2008. |
2008f | "Acento lexical e sua manifestação em Awetí" ("Lexical accent and its manifestation in Awetí"). II Congresso Estrutura das Línguas Amazônicas: Fonologia e Gramática, Recife, 24.–27. November 2008. |
2009a | "Reduplication in Awetí". 53. International Congress of Americanists, Mexiko, July 20th.–24th. 2009. |
2009b | "The emerging South American Network of Language Documentation Centers and Archives". With Lucía Golluscio, Victor Miyakawa, Denny Moore. RedClara & Alice 2: user communities, Asunción, November 18th, 2009. |
Courses taught |
Winter | 2000/2001 | Grundkurs A | Introduction to the Study of Linguistics | FU Berlin |
Winter | 2000/2001 | Grundkurs B | Introduction to Linguistic Description | FU Berlin |
Winter | 2001/2002 | Grundkurs A | Introduction to the Study of Linguistics | FU Berlin |
Winter | 2001/2002 | Grundkurs B | Introduction to Linguistic Description | FU Berlin |
Winter | 2002/2003 | Grundkurs A | Introduction to the Study of Linguistics | FU Berlin |
Winter | 2002/2003 | Grundkurs B | Introduction to Linguistic Description | FU Berlin |
Winter | 2002/2003 | Proseminar | Language Diversity and Language Endangerment with Example of the South American Lowlands | FU Berlin |
Winter | 2003/2004 | Proseminar | Language Diversity and Language Endangerment with Example of the South American Lowlands | FU Berlin |
Winter | 2003/2004 | Proseminar | Integrational Language Description of Tupian Languages | FU Berlin |
DOBES Summerschool | 2004 | Mini course | Fieldmethods (Cali'ña) (with Frank Seifart) | Uni Frankfurt |
Nov. 3rd.–5th. | 2004 | Mini course | Introdução à Lingüística Indígena no Brasil (Introduction to Indigenous Linguistics in Brazil) | U.F. Pará |
März–July | 2006 | Training course | Sintax of Awetí | Museu Goeldi |
July 9th.–12th. | 2007 | Mini course | Introdução à Documentação Lingüística | SBPC Belém |
Summer | 2008 | Compact course | Methods and Foundantions of Laguage Documentation | Uni Frankfurt |
Summer | 2008 | Compact course | The Language Families of South American Lowlands | Uni Frankfurt |
Aug. 25th.–30th. | 2008 | Workshop for indigenous co-workers and teacher | Oficina de Documentação de Línguas e Culturas Indígenas ("Workshop: Documentation of Indigenous Languages and Cultures", with Bruna Franchetto and others) | IEL UniCamp |
July 13th.–17th. | 2009 | Workshop for Linguists | Oficina de Documentação de Línguas e Culturas Indígenas ("Workshop: Documentation of Indigenous Languages and Cultures", with Bruna Franchetto and others) | Mus.d. Índio, Rio |
Summer | 2009 | BlockseminarCompart course | Foundantions and Methods of Laguage Documentation (advanced) | Uni Frankfurt |
Last modified: December 10th, 2009