Agnes Korn ,   M.Phil. (Vienna), Ph.D. (Frankfurt a.M.)

  • Studium der Indogermanistik in Hamburg und Wien (Mag.a phil. 1996),
  • Promotionsstudium in Vergleichender indogermanischer Sprachwissenschaft in Frankfurt a. M. (Dr. phil. 2003),
  • Habilitation in Vergleichender Sprachwissenschaft in Frankfurt a.M. (PD 2010).

    1995/96 Lektorin für Deutsch in Banská Bystrica (Slowakei), 1996-98 Mitarbeiterin an einem Wörterbuchprojekt in Graz (Österreich),
    Mai 1998 bis September 2015 wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin bzw. Assistentin am Institut für Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft usw. (dann Empirische Sprachwissenschaft) in Frankfurt a. M.
    seit Oktober 2015 Forscherin am CNRS (UMR Mondes iranien et indien), Ivry-sur-Seine (Frankreich)

     ¤  European Award of Iranian Studies (2007) der Societas Iranologica Europaea für die Doktorarbeit
     ¤  Award for Research Cooperation and High Excellence in Science (2008) der Minerva-Stiftung für ein Forschungsprojekt mit Dr Thamar Gindin
     ¤  Visiting Fellow at Clare Hall and Visiting Member at Jesus College, University of Cambridge (2015)



    UMR 8041 Centre de recherche sur le monde iranien (CeRMI)
    7 rue Guy Môquet
    F - 94800 Villejuif

    Tél. : +33 (0)1 49 58 37 94

    Sprechstunde: n.V.

    e-mail: (this page)


    Contents / Inhaltsverzeichnis:

    Publications / Veröffentlichungen
    Teaching / Lehre
    Papers presented / Vorträge
    Research, Cooperations and Organisation of conferences / Forschung und Kooperationen, Organisation von Konferenzen



    Forschung und Kooperationen / Research and Cooperations


    Projekte / Ongoing research:

    Bashkardi: Dokumentation und Analyse einer bedrohten iranischen Sprache

  • gemeinsam mit Dr Behrooz Barjasteh Delforooz (Uppsala Universitet, SE) und The Ancient India & Iran Trust (Cambridge, UK)
  • gefördert durch den Schwedischen Forschungsrat (Vetenskapsrådet)

    Historical grammar of Persian: a manual

  • in Kooperation mit der Abteilung Vergelijkende Indo-Europese Taalwetenschap, Universiteit Leiden, NL
  • gefördert durch ein bezoekersbeurs der Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO)

    "Western Iranian Dialectology and Early Judeo-Persian"

  • gemeinsam mit Dr Thamar Gindin, Institute for Asian and African Studies of the Hebrew University Jerusalem / Israel
  • gefördert durch das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung via Minerva-Stiftung

    Afro-Balochi: Die Sprache der schwarzen Bevölkerung in Iranisch-Balochistan

  • gemeinsam mit Maryam Nourzaei (Uppsala Universitet)


    Organisation von Konferenzen / Organisation of conferences, workshops and summer schools:

    2023  ¤  Workshop "Cultures orales a l'écrit : regards sur l'aire iranienne / Oral cultures in writing",
    INaLCO, Paris (with Jaroslava Obrtelova)
    2021  ¤  9th International Conference on Iranian Linguistics (online),
    Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna (with Velizar Sadovski and Oleg Belyaev)
    2018  ¤  8th International Conference on Iranian Linguistics,
    Yerevan State University, Armenia (with Vardan Voskanian and Ilya Yakubovich)
    2017  ¤  7th International Conference on Iranian Linguistics,
    Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia (with Oleg Belyaev and Arseniy Vydrin)
    2015  ¤  6th International Conference on Iranian Linguistics,
    Ilia State University Tbilisi, Georgia (with Carina Jahani and Gilles Authier)
    2014  ¤  Workshop "Ditransitive constructions in a cross-linguistic perspective",
    Università degli studi di Pavia (with Carina Jahani)
    2013  ¤  Symposion "The Prospective as a Grammatical Category: Evidence from Turkic, Iranian and beyond",
    Universität Frankfurt a.M. (with Irina Nevskaya)
    report: Arseniy Vydrin, in Voprosy jazykoznanija 2014/4, pp. 152-154
     ¤  5th International Conference on Iranian Linguistics,
    Universität Bamberg (with Geoffrey Haig, Carina Jahani and Pollet Samvelian)
    2011  ¤  4th International Conference on Iranian Linguistics,
    Uppsala Universitet (with Carina Jahani and Simin Karimi)
    2009  ¤  3rd International Conference on Iranian Linguistics,
    Université Paris III Sorbonne Nouvelle (with Geoffrey Haig, Simin Karimi and Pollet Samvelian)
    2008  ¤  Summer School "New Western Iranian and Early Judaeo Persian dialectology"
    Universität Hamburg (with Ludwig Paul and Thamar Gindin)
    2007  ¤  Workshop "Iranian minority languages", im Rahmen des XXX. Deutschen Orientalistentags
    Universität Freiburg i.Br.
    2005  ¤  3rd International Conference on Balochistan Studies: "Pluralism in Balochistan",
    Uppsala Universitet (with Carina Jahani)
    2000  ¤  2nd International Conference on Balochistan Studies: "The Baloch and Their Neighbours",
    Uppsala Universitet (with Carina Jahani and Gunilla Gren-Eklund)
    coverage in the media: Balochi media;
    report by Behrooz Mahmoodi Bakhtiari in Boxârâ 3/2 (2000), pp. 327-335


    Vorträge / Papers

    Gehaltene Vorträge / Papers presented


    Lehre / Teaching

    Lehrveranstaltungen / full list of courses taught


    • Indo-European linguistics
    • introduction to general and applied linguistics
    • synchronic and diachronic grammar of Indo-European languages (including text reading)
    • Iranian languages
    Courses taught:
    Iranian languages and linguistics Typology of Iranian
    Historical morphosyntax of Iranian
    Historical grammar of Persian
    Old Persian
    Middle Persian
    Western Iranian Dialectology
    Caspian languages
    Indo-European studies, ancient IE languages
    (historical grammar and text analysis)
    Indo-European historical phonology
    Indo-European historical morphology
    Methods and aims of etymology
    Old Indic: Vedic
    Old Italic languages
    General linguistics Introduction to general linguistics
    Introduction to linguistic terminology
    Problems of descriptive linguistics
    Use of new media for linguists
    Methods of comparative linguistics
    Introduction to applied linguistics
    German German as a foreign language for students of economics


    Veröffentlichungen / Publications

    s.a. Liste auf HAL

    Monographien / Books:
     ¤  Towards a Historical Grammar of Balochi. Studies in Balochi Historical Phonology and Vocabulary [Beiträge zur Iranistik 26]. Wiesbaden: Reichert 2005
    Rezensionen: Ludwig Paul, in: Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 105 (2010), Sp. 362-366
    Johnny Cheung, in: Kratylos 53 (2008), pp. 93-98
    Josef Elfenbein, in: Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 18 (2008), pp. 85-88
    Vincent Hachard, in: Abstracta Iranica 28 (2007)
    Remo Bracchi, in: Salesianum 69 (2007), pp. 812-813
    Carina Jahani, in: Orientalia Suecana 55 (2006), pp. 192-195
     ¤  Metrik und metrische Techniken im Rgveda. Streckformen in Trimeter-Versen [Collection Linguistique 8]. Hamburg: Les Cent Chemins 2024, 2. Auflage
    Rezension: Alexander Lubotsky, in: Kratylos 49 (2004), pp. 177-181
    Herausgeberinnentätigkeit / Edited works
     ¤  (with Carina Jahani and Paul Titus):
    The Baloch and Others: Linguistic, historical and socio-political perspectives on pluralism in Balochistan.
    Wiesbaden: Reichert 2008, 2nd ed. 2012, reprint 2023
    Rezensionen: Just Boedeker, in: Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 106 (2011), S. 417-419
    Brian Spooner, in: Orientalia Suecana 58 (2009), pp. 189-191
     ¤  (with Maryam Nourzaei and Carina Jahani):
    Oral Narration in Iranian Cultures.
    Wiesbaden: Reichert 2022
    Rezensionen: Philip Kreyenbroek, in: Journal of the American Oriental Society 144:3, pp. 693-695
    Matteo De Chiara, in: Abstracta Iranica 45
    Yazdan Safaee, in: Bibliographia Iranica (January 2023)
     ¤  (with Andrej Malchukov):
    Ditransitive constructions in a cross-linguistic perspective.
    Wiesbaden: Reichert 2018
     ¤  (with Irina Nevskaya):
    Prospective and Proximative in Turkic, Iranian and beyond [Iran - Turan 18].
    Wiesbaden: Reichert 2017
    Rezension: Iosif A. Fridman, in: Voprosy jazykoznanija 2020/6, pp. 139-153
     ¤  (with Geoffrey Haig, Simin Karimi, and Pollet Samvelian):
    Topics in Iranian Linguistics [Beiträge zur Iranistik 34].
    Wiesbaden: Reichert 2011
    Rezensionen: Agnès Lenepveu-Hotz, in: Abstracta Iranica 34-36 (2017): volume; articles by Sims-Williams, Korn, Vydrin, Belyaev & Vydrin
    Habib Borjian, in: Journal of the American Oriental Society 135 (2015), pp. 168-170
    Carina Jahani, in: Orientalia Suecana 61 (2012), pp. 214-217
     ¤  Iranian Minority Languages. In: Orientalia Suecana 58 (2009), pp. 115-188
     ¤  (mit Dina El-Zarka, Martin Fripertinger, Nosratollah Rastegar, Bernhard Scheucher und Dieter Schicker):
    Uto von Melzer: Farhangnevîs. Materialien zu einem Persisch-Deutschen Wörterbuch [Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 35+38]
    , 4 Bde. + CD. Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 2006,
     ¤  (with Carina Jahani):
    The Baloch and Their Neighbours: Ethnic and Linguistic Contact in Balochistan in Historical and Modern Times.
    Wiesbaden: Reichert 2003
    Rezensionen: Adriano Rossi, in: Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 102 (2007), Sp. 557-565
    Brian Spooner, in: Iranian Studies 39/1 (2006), pp. 145-147
    Michiel de Vaan, in: Kratylos 51 (2006), pp. 192-194
    Vincent Hachard, in: Abstracta Iranica 26 (2004): volume, articles by Baranzehi, Dashtyari, Farrell
    Aufsätze / Articles:
    2024  ¤  Notes on word order in Bashkardi.
    In: Geoffrey Haig, Mohammad Rasekh-Mahand, Donald Stilo, Laurentia Schreiber, Nils N. Schiborr (eds.): Post-predicate elements in the Western Asian Transition Zone: A corpus-based approach to areal typology [Contact and Multilingualism 6]. Berlin: Language Science Press, pp. 155-173
    [download] / [pdf]
     ¤  (with Dorian Pastor and Christian Rammer:) Colloquial Persian: Towards a New Rise of Simple Verbs?
    In: Transactions of the Philological Society 122/1
    [online access]
    2022  ¤  Targets and other postverbal arguments in Southern Balochi: A multidimensional cline.
    In: Hiwa Asadpour; Thomas Jügel (eds.): Word Order Variation: Semitic, Turkic and Indo-European Languages in Contact [Studia Typologica (STTYP) 31]. Berlin: de Gruyter, pp. 89-125
    2021  ¤  Contributions to a relative chronology of Persian: The non-change of postconsonantal y and w in Middle Persian in context.
    In: Indo-European Linguistics 9, pp. 85-127
     ¤  Notes on a Middle Persian sound change: Greek Anaîtis and features of vowel length.
    In: DABIR 8, pp. 101-110 Link1, Link2
     ¤  Greeting a Guest in Bashkardi.
    In: Journal of Turkish Studies / Türklük Bilgisi Arastirmalari; Festschrift in Honor of Marcel Erdal (Special edition vol. I), pp. 301-323
     ¤  A Bashkardi version of the chain tale ATU 2034: The Jackal Retrieves His Tail.
    In: Rodnoy yazyk 2021/1, pp. 368-383
    2020  ¤  Grammaticalization and reanalysis in Iranian.
    In: Walter Bisang; Andrej Malchukov (eds.): Grammaticalization Scenarios: Cross-linguistic variation and universal tendencies 1: Grammaticalization Scenarios from Europe and Asia [Comparative Handbooks of Linguistics (CHL) 4]. Berlin: de Gruyter, pp. 465-498
     ¤  Kinship Terms in Balochi: A Patchwork Family.
    In: Gian Pietro Basello; Matteo De Chiara; Sabir Badalkhan (eds.): Iranian Studies in Honour Of Adriano V. Rossi [Dipartimento Asia, Africa e Mediterraneo, Series Minor LXXXVII/1]. Naples: Unior Press, pp. 207-228 + Plates IX-XIV
     ¤ Once upon a time: Telling a story in Bashkardi.
    In: INDIRAN: Newsletter of the Ancient India and Iran Trust 14, pp. 8-9
    2019  ¤  Isoglosses and subdivisions of Iranian.
    Journal of Historical Linguistics 9/2, pp. 239 - 281
    [Link to printed version]
     ¤  (with Mousa Mahmoudzahi & Carina Jahani:) Synchronically unexpected /n/ in the Balochi dialect of Iranshahr.
    In: Orientalia Suecana 62-68, pp. 20-30
     ¤  (with Maryam Nourzaei:) Notes on the speech of the Afro-Baloch of the southern coast of Iran.
    In: Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 29/4, pp. 623-657
    [Link to printed version]
    (revised version of the next item)
    2018  ¤  (with Maryam Nourzaei:) "Those were the hungry years": A glimpse of Coastal Afro-Balochi.
    In: Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 28/4, pp. 661-695
     ¤  (with Andrej Malchukov:) Introduction
    In: Agnes Korn; Andrej Malchukov (eds.): Ditransitive constructions in a cross-linguistic perspective. Wiesbaden: Reichert, pp. 7-12
    2017  ¤  Verbal nouns in Balochi.
    In: Daniel Petit; Georges-Jean Pinault; Claire Le Feuvre (eds.): Verbal Adjectives and Participles in Indo-European Languages / Adjectifs verbaux et participes dans les langues indo-européennes. Bremen: Hempen, pp. 119-140
     ¤  What to look out for: morphology of prospectives and futures in Iranian.
    In: Agnes Korn; Irina Nevskaya (eds.): Prospective and Proximative in Turkic, Iranian and beyond [Iran - Turan 18]. Wiesbaden: Reichert, pp. 35-48
     ¤  Evolution of Iranian.
    In: Matthias Fritz, Brian Joseph, Jared S. Klein (eds.): Comparative Indo-European Linguistics. An International Handbook of Language Comparison and the Reconstruction of Indo-European 1 [Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft 41]. Berlin: de Gruyter, pp. 608-624
     ¤  Armenian karmir, Sogdian karmir "red", Hebrew karmil and the Armenian scale insect dye in antiquity.
    In: Salvatore Gaspa, Cécile Michel, Marie Louise Nosch (eds.): Textile Terminologies from the Orient to the Mediterranean and Europe, 1000 BC to 1000 AD. Lincoln, Nebraska: Zea Books, pp. 173-187
     ¤  Notes on the Nominal System of Bashkardi.
    In: Transactions of the Philological Society 115/1, pp. 79-97
    Link to pdf / [Accepted Author Manuscript]
    2016  ¤  A partial tree of Central Iranian: A new look at Iranian subphyla.
    In: Indogermanische Forschungen 121, pp. 401-434
     ¤  The languages, their histories and genetic classification: Iranian.
    In: Hans Henrich Hock, Elena Bashir (eds.): The Languages and Linguistics of South Asia: A Comprehensive Guide. [The World of Linguistics 7]. Berlin: de Gruyter, pp. 51-66
     ¤  Arménien karmir, sogdien krm'yr et hébreu karmil "rouge".
    In: Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 79/1, pp. 1-22
    2014  ¤  (mit Elguja Dadunashvili:) Zur Konstruktion von sozialer Kohärenz: Kirvalïq-Verwandtschaft in Georgien
    In: Die Welt des Islams 54/2, S.237-257
    [Link to printed version] / [Accepted Author Manuscript]
    2013  ¤  Final troubles: Armenian stem classes and the word-end in Late Old Persian.
    In: Sergei Tokhtas'ev, Pavel Lur'e (eds.): Commentationes Iranicae, Vladimiro f. Aaron Livschits nonagenario donum natalicium / Sbornik statej k 90-letiju Vladmira Aronovi?a Livšitsa. St Petersburg: Nestor-Istorija, pp. 74-91
     ¤  Looking for the Middle Way: Voice and Transitivity in Complex Predicates in Iranian
    In: Lingua 135, pp. 30-55
    [Link to printed version] / [Accepted Author Manuscript]
     ¤  Footnotes on a Parthian Sound-Change.
    In: Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 76/1, pp. 99-110
    (revised English version of the next item)
    2012  ¤  Fußnoten zu einem parthischen Lautgesetz.
    In: Velizar Sadovski, David Stifter (eds.): Iranistische und indogermanistische Beiträge in Memoriam Jochem Schindler (1944-1994). [Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 51]. Wien: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, S. 77-93
     ¤  (with Birgit Olsen:)
    On Armenian -agin: additional evidence for a third West Middle Iranian dialect?
    In: Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft 66/2, pp. 201-220
    2011  ¤  Pronouns as Verbs, Verbs as Pronouns: Demonstratives and the Copula in Iranian.
    In: Agnes Korn, Geoffrey Haig, Simin Karimi, and Pollet Samvelian (eds.): Topics in Iranian Linguistics. [Beiträge zur Iranistik 34]. Wiesbaden: Reichert, pp. 53-70
     ¤  Archaismus und Innovation im Verbalsystem des Balochi.
    In: Iranistik. Deutschsprachige Zeitschrift für iranistische Studien 12 (2009/10), S. 103-112
    2010  ¤  Parthian zh.
    In: Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 73/3, pp. 415-436
     ¤  Western Iranian Pronominal Clitics.
    In: Orientalia Suecana 58 [2009], pp. 159-171
    2009  ¤  (with Carina Jahani:)
    In: Gernot Windfuhr (ed.): The Iranian Languages [Routledge Language Family Series]. London, New York: Routledge, pp. 634-692
     ¤  The Ergative System in Balochi from a Typological Perspective.
    In: Iranian Journal of Applied Language Studies 1, pp. 43-79
     ¤  (with Desmond Durkin-Meisterernst:)
    Parthian Seen from a Balochi Perspective.
    In: Studia Iranica 38, pp. 7-23
     ¤  Lengthening of i and u in Persian.
    In: Werner Sundermann, Almut Hintze, François de Blois (eds.): Exegisti monumenta. Festschrift in Honour of Nicholas Sims-Williams [Iranica 17]. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, pp. 197-213
    2008  ¤  The Nominal Systems of Balochi: How Many Grammars?
    In: Jahani / Korn / Titus, pp. 167-194
     ¤  (mit Peter Öhl:)
    Performanzbasierte und parametrische Wandel in der linken Satzperipherie des Persischen. Der Subordinationsmarker ke und die Interrogativpartikel ?y?.
    In: Die Sprache 46 [2006], S. 137-202
     ¤  Marking of Arguments in Balochi Ergative and Mixed Constructions.
    In: Simin Karimi, Vida Samiian, Donald Stilo (eds.): Aspects of Iranian Linguistics. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 249-276
     ¤  A New Locative Case in Turkmenistan Balochi.
    In: Iran and the Caucasus 12/1, pp. 83-99
    (slightly adjusted version of the next item)
    2007 ¤  A New Locative Case in Turkmenistan Balochi.
    In: Mohammad Dabir Moghaddam et al. (eds.): Proceedings of the 7th Iranian Conference on Linguistics. Tehran: Dâneshgâh-e `Allâme Tabâtabâ'î 1386, pp. 927-943
     ¤  Parthian Month Names and Calendars.
    In: Parthica 8 [2006] (Papers presented to David Sellwood), pp. 153-167
    2006 ¤  Counting Sheep and Camels in Balochi.
    In: Mixail N. Bogoljubov et al. (eds.): Indoiranskoe jazykoznanie i tipologija jazykovyx situacij. Sbornik statej k 75-letiju professora A. L. Grjunberga (1930-1995). St. Petersburg: Nauka, pp. 201-212
    2005 ¤  Das Nominalsystem des Balochi, mitteliranisch betrachtet.
    In: Günter Schweiger (Hrg.): Indogermanica: Festschrift Gert Klingenschmitt. Indische, iranische und indogermanische Studien dem verehrten Jubilar dargebracht zu seinem fünfundsechzigsten Geburtstag. Taimering: VWT-Verlag, S. 289-302
     ¤  Das Balochi im Kontakt mit den anderen iranischen Sprachen.
    In: Olav Hackstein, Gerhard Meiser (Hrg.): Sprachkontakt und Sprachwandel. Akten der XI. Fachtagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft, 17.-23. September 2000, Halle an der Saale. Wiesbaden: Reichert, S. 285-294
    (revised German version of the next item)
    2003 ¤  Balochi and the Concept of North-West Iranian.
    In: Jahani / Korn, pp. 49-60
     ¤  The Outcome of Proto-Iranian vocalic *r in Balochi.
    In: Bernard Hourcade (éd.): Iran: Questions et connaissances. Actes du IVe congrès européen des études iraniennes, organisé par la Societas Iranologica Europaea, Paris, 6-10 septembre 1999. III: Cultures et sociétés contemporaines. [Studia Iranica Cahier 27]. Leuven: Peeters, pp. 65-75
    2000 ¤  Rgvedische Bahuvrîhis mit Suffix -iya-.
    In: Bernhard Forssman, Robert Plath (Hrg.): Indoarisch, Iranisch und die Indogermanistik. Arbeitstagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft vom 2. bis 5. Oktober 1997 in Erlangen. Wiesbaden: Reichert, S. 231-242
    1998 ¤  "Warum konnte nicht der Schah im Iran mehr regieren?" Zum Infinitiv im DaF-Unterricht mit einem persisch-deutschen Vergleich.
    In: LernSprache Deutsch III/1-2, S. 125-136
    Data sets:
     ¤  Bashkardi (Northern): Recordings by Ilya Gershevitch (1914-2001), transcription and analysis by Agnes Korn.
    In: Geoffrey Haig, Donald Stilo, Mahîr Dogan & Nils Schiborr (eds.): WOWA -- Word Order in Western Asia: A spoken-language-based corpus for investigating areal effects in word order variation. Bamberg University 2023
     ¤  Bashkardi (Southern): Recordings by Ilya Gershevitch (1914-2001), transcription and analysis by Agnes Korn.
    In: Geoffrey Haig, Donald Stilo, Mahîr Dogan & Nils Schiborr (eds.): WOWA -- Word Order in Western Asia: A spoken-language-based corpus for investigating areal effects in word order variation. Bamberg University 2023
    Encyclopaedia entry:
     ¤  (with Elaine Zair:) MOCKLER, EDWARD (1842-1927).
    In: Encyclopaedia Iranica Online. 2016
    2017 ¤  (with Murad Suleymanov:) Contact-Induced Progressives in Iranian Languages: A Typological Comparison of Caucasian Tat and Bashkardi.
    2010 ¤  (with Thomas Jügel:) Grouping Iranian Languages Polydimensionally.
    Rezensionen / Book reviews:

    Kurzanzeigen / Short reviews in Abstracta Iranica
     ¤  Rüdiger Schmitt 2016: Iranisches Personennamenbuch 2/5: Personennamen in parthischen epigraphischen Quellen [Sitzungsberichte der phil.-hist. Klasse 881], [Iranische Onomastik 15]. Wien: Verlag der ÖAW
    In: Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes
    110 (2020), pp. 337-343
     ¤  Nicholas Sims-Williams 2012: Bactrian Documents from Northern Afghanistan I: Legal and Ecomomic Documents, revised edition. Bactrian Documents from Northern Afghanistan III: Plates [Corpus Inscriptionum Iranicarum II, VI], [Studies in the Khalili collection 8]. London: Nour Foundation
    In: Indo-Iranian Journal
    58/1 (2015), pp. 87-91
     ¤  Maria Macuch, Dieter Weber, Desmond Durkin-Meisterernst (eds.) 2010: Ancient and Middle Iranian Studies. Proceedings of the 6th European Conference of Iranian Studies, held in Vienna, 18-22 September 2007 [Iranica 19]. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz
    In: Kratylos
    59 (2014), S. 217-222
     ¤  Igor M. Diakonoff, Vladimir A. Livshits (ed. D. Neil MacKenzie, Andrei N. Bader, Nicholas Sims-Williams) 1998-2001: Parthian Economic Documents from Nisa: Plates IV, Plates V, Texts I [Corpus Inscriptionum Iranicarum II: Inscriptions of the Seleucid and Parthian Periods and of Eastern Iran and Central Asia II: Parthian I]. London: School of Oriental and African Studies
    In: Orientalistische Literaturzeitung
    104/1 (2009), Sp. 91-97
    pdf (Link)
     ¤  Heiner Eichner, Bert G. Fragner, Velizar Sadovski, Rüdiger Schmitt (Hrg.) 2006: Iranistik in Europa - gestern, heute, morgen [Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 34]. Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
    In: Kratylos
    53 (2008), S. 201-203
     ¤  Dieter Weber (ed.) 2005: Languages of Iran: Past and Present. Studies in memoriam David Neil MacKenzie [Iranica 8]. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz
    In: Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies
    70/2 (2007), pp. 425-426
    Link zum pdf
     ¤  Anne Broger 2004: Die â-Stämme im Rgveda und ihre Stellung im Genussystem [Arbeitspapier 41]. Universität Bern: Institut für Sprachwissenschaft
    In: Kratylos
    52 (2007), S. 190-193
     ¤  Éva Ágnes Csató, Bo Isaksson, Carina Jahani (eds.) 2005: Linguistic Convergence and Areal Diffusion. Case Studies from Iranian, Semitic and Turkic. London, New York: RoutledgeCurzon
    In: Orientalia Suecana
    55 (2006), pp. 186-191
     ¤  Klaus Mylius 2005: Wörterbuch des kanonischen Jinismus [Beiträge zur Kenntnis südasiatischer Sprachen und Literaturen 13]. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz
    In: Orientalia Suecana
    55 (2006), pp. 185-186
     ¤  Desmond Durkin-Meisterernst 2004: Dictionary of Manichaean Middle Persian and Parthian [Corpus Fontum Manichaeorum: Dictionary of Manichaean Texts III: Texts from Central Asia and China 1]. Turnhout: Brepols
    In: Orientalia Suecana
    54 (2005), pp. 206-212
     ¤  Klaus Mylius 2003: Wörterbuch Ardhamâgadhî-Deutsch. Wichtrach: Institut für Indologie
    In: Orientalia Suecana
    53 (2004), pp. 187-190
     ¤  Michiel de Vaan 2003: The Avestan Vowels [Leiden Studies in Indo-European 12]. Amsterdam / New York: Rodopi
    In: TITUS-Rezensionen
    Übersetzungen / Translations:
     ¤  Weise Frauen und geheimnisvolle Zeichen. Texte zum Volksglauben in Georgien ausgewählt, übertragen und kommentiert von Elguja Dadunashvili und Agnes Korn. Wiesbaden: Reichert 2007, 2. Aufl. 2012
    Rezension: Maja Chotiwari, in: Georgica 31 (2008), S. 139-140
     ¤  Ein Schluck aus dem blauen Trinkhorn. Gedichte des georgischen Symbolismus; übersetzt von Agnes Korn und Manana Saladse. Wien: Selbstverlag 1994
    Teilabdruck in: Georgica 18 (1995), S. 92-94



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