Minor Old High German Monuments
Part No. 5
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Text: St.Gall.Credo 
Page: S27 
Manuscript: Sang._911 
V. Sangaller Credo

Cod. Sang. 911, p. 321 Stiftsbibliothek St. Gallen / Codices Electronici Sangallenses:
Ms. page: 321 
Line: 7  
Credo6 in deo.

Line: 8        Kilaubu in kot fater almahticun, kiscaft7 himiles enti erda. enti
Line: 9     
in Ihesum8 Christ, sun sinan ainacun, unseran truhtin, der inphangan
Line: 10     
ist fona uuihemu keiste, kiporan fona Mariun macadi euuikeru,

Cod. Sang. 911, p. 322 Stiftsbibliothek St. Gallen / Codices Electronici Sangallenses:

Line: 11     
kimartrot in kiuualtiu Pilates,9 Ms. page: 322  in10 cruce pislacan, tot enti picrapan,
Line: 12     
stehic in uuizzi, in drittin take erstoont fona totem,11 stehic in himil,
Line: 13     
sizit az zesuun cotes fateres almahtikin, dhana chuumftic12 ist sonen
Line: 14     
qhuekhe enti tote. kilaubu in uuihan keist, in uuiha khirihhun catholica,
Line: 15     
uuihero kemeinitha, urlaz suntikero, fleiskes urstodali, in liip
Line: 16     
euuikan. Amen.13
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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Minor Old High German Monuments.

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