Minor Old High German Monuments
Part No. 47
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Text: Trier.Cap.  
Page: S305  
XL. Aus einem Capitulare

(Trierer Capitulare)

[Christoph Brouwer, Antiquitates et annales Trevirenses, Köln 1626, p. 35-36]
[Re-editon by Jacob Masen, Lüttich 1670, p. 26-27 ]

Line: 1        That ein iouuelihc man frier
Line: 2     
geuualt haue, so uuar1 sose er
Line: 3     
uuilit, sachun sinu2 ce geuene.
Line: 4        
So uuer se3 sachun sinu thuruhc4
Line: 5     
salichedi selu sineru athe ce anderru5
Line: 6     
eraftlicheru6 stat athe gelegenemo
Line: 7     
sinemo athe se uuemo
Line: 8     
andremo uersellan uuilit inde
Line: 9     
ce themo cide inneneuuendiun7
Line: 10     
theru selueru grasceffi uuisit, in
Line: 11     
theru sachun thie gesat sint,
Line: 12     
uuizzetathia8 sala ce gedune geulize.
Line: 13     
That auo9 themo seluemo
Line: 14     
cide, that er thui sellan10 uuilit,
Line: 15     
uzzeneuuendiun theru grasceffi
Line: 16     
uuisit,11 that ist athe in here athe
Line: 17     
in palice13 athe in anderu14 sumeuuelicheru
Line: 18     
stedi, samant neme
Line: 19     
himo athe uane sinen gelandun
Line: 20     
athe uane andern, thie theru selueru14
Line: 21     
uuizzidi leuen,15 theru er
Line: 22     
seluo leuit,16 urcundun17 retliche;
Line: 23     
auur auo'r18 thie hauan
Page: S306   Line: 1     
nimach,1 thane uane andern,
Line: 2     
so uueliche thar bezzera uundan2
Line: 3     
mugen uuerthan: inde3 uora hin
Line: 4     
sachunu sineru salunga gedue
Line: 5     
inde burigun theru4 geuueri geue,
Line: 6     
himo, ther thia sala infahit,
Line: 7     
geuueri gedue. Inde ather thiu
Line: 8     
thiu5 sala so getan uuirthit,
Line: 9     
geaneruo sin selues6 neieina uona
Line: 10     
then uora gequetanen sachun
Line: 11     
mugi geduan iruangida. Thara
Line: 12     
uuiri inde seluo thuruch sich
Line: 13     
burigun gedue theru selueru geuueri,
Line: 14     
nio themo geaneruen thegein
Line: 15     
ursach7 beliue, thia sala ce
Line: 16     
bekerine,8 sunder mera not analige,9
Line: 17     
thia thuruch ce gefremine.
Line: 18     
Inde auo nochthanne sachun sinu
Line: 19     
bit geaneruun sinen gesunduruth
Line: 20     
nehauoda,10 nesi11 himo that ce
Line: 21     
ungeuuorsamithu,12 sunder geaneruo
Line: 22     
siner, auo er gerno neuuilit,
Line: 23     
athe thuruch then grauun
Line: 24     
athe thuruch bodun sinin bethungen13
Line: 25     
uuerthe, that thia sundrunga14
Line: 26     
bit themo15 due, ce themo
Line: 27     
ther geendido eruetha16 sina uuolda
Line: 28     
uollocaman;17 inde auo sumeuuelicheru
Line: 29     
samonungun thia sellan
Line: 30     
bat, ganeruo siner then uuizzut18
Line: 31     
bit theru kirichun19 uona20 themo
Page: S307   Line: 1     
uora gesprochenemo erue haue,
Line: 2     
that bit andremo geaneruen sinemo
Line: 3     
hauan solda. Inde thaz behaldan
Line: 4     
uuerthe umbe then uader
Line: 5     
inde then sun inde then neuun
Line: 6     
unce cen iarun uuizzethallikhen:
Line: 7     
ather1 thiu selue sachun ce theru
Line: 8     
muzzungu theru selueru samunungun
Line: 9     
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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Minor Old High German Monuments.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 15.10.2021. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.