Tatian, Gospel Harmony
Part No. 21
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Chapter: 20 
Sentence: 1    Link to gotnt
   Et cum transiret inde Ihesus, vidit hominem sedentem ad teloneo, Matheum nomine, et ait illi: sequere me.
Mit thiu their heilant thanana fuor, gisah man sizzantan zi zolle, thie Matheus uuas giheizan, inti quad imo: folge mír.
Sentence: 2    Link to gotnt
Et surgens relictis omnibus secutus est eum.
Her thó arstantanti allen forlazanen folgeta imo.

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This text is part of the TITUS edition of Tatian, Gospel Harmony.

Copyright TITUS Project, Frankfurt a/M, 15.10.2021. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.